Kennett Sq. Borough Council approves 2023 budget

On Wednesday, Dec. 7, the Kennett Square Borough Council unanimously approved a budget for 2023. The approved budget reflects a substantial investment in capital projects and infrastructure as the Borough’s capital investment will grow by over 7% compared to previous years. The approved budget strategically allocates resources to leverage and maximize grant opportunities. The approved budget...
Letter: Avondale can’t afford Borough Hall upgrades

To The Editor,
At a recent Avondale Borough council meeting, I learned that some council members are moving forward with a proposal to renovate and add on to the borough building.
As a taxpaying resident of the borough, I am in disagreement with this decision and wish to make other borough residents aware of the situation and how Avondale Borough’s money is being spent.
Kennett Sq. Council to vote on resolution condemning Trump over racial comments

KENNETT SQUARE — The Kennett Square Borough Council will take up a resolution, Tuesday night, to condemn President Donald Trump for racially inflammatory comments.
The meeting, at Monroe Nute Room of the Kennett Volunteer Fire Building, starts at 7 p.m.
The resolution reads as follows:
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In defense of a good man who made a mistake: Bill Scott

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
There are things that make you shake your head, others that prompt a facepalm and a last category that leaves you saying “what the hell?” or words to that effect.
Put the idiocy going on in West Chester right now in the latter category.
For those of you who missed it, long-time Borough Council Member Bill Scott used the word “negro” in a discussion with an...
Kennett Sq. OK’s gun violence resolution

By Eliza Mohler, Staff Writer, The Times
Kennett Square residents address Borough Council about gun control.
KENNETT SQUARE – In the wake of recent school shootings in the United States, Kennett Square Borough Council is advocating for stricter gun control legislation. At Monday night’s meeting, they voted unanimously to approve a resolution urging lawmakers to enact stronger protections against...
Letter: On Borough Council, an apology is in order

To The Editor,
The following is an open letter to my colleagues on the Kennett Square Borough Council:
Dear Doug, Jamie and Geoff,
On January 4th, 2016, all four of us voted to appoint LaToya Myers to an open seat on Borough Council. Since then, she has served with distinction, especially on the Finance and Chief of Police Search Committees, where we have seen her fight hard for the...
Letter: Council members offer support for Maffei, Waterkotte, Deveney and Caldwell

To The Editor,
Election Day is fast approaching on Tuesday November 7th, and we would encourage you all to exercise your constitutional right to vote! This is an important election within the Borough of Kennett Square as four of the seven seats on Borough Council will be decided. Quite frankly we think it is safe to say that the future direction of the Borough is at stake with this election. We are...
Kennett Borough Council talks trash

By Eliza Mohler, Staff Writer, The Times
Borough Council member LaToya Myers discusses her proposal for a personnel committee with Council President Danilo Maffei as Mayor Matt Fetick listens.
KENNETT – At last Monday’s meeting of the Kennett Square Borough Council, Borough Manager Joe Scalise gave an update on the proposed tiered-trash removal system. The new plan will allow residents to choose...
Op/Ed: Party politics doesn’t drive Borough Council

By Wayne Braffman, Member, Kennett Square Borough Council
Wayne Braffman
“Party politics has no place on Borough Council.”
As Chair of the Kennett Area Democrats AND a member of the Kennett Square Borough Council, I probably appreciate more than anyone else that there is no more need to say this than there is to announce ‘THE SKY IS BLUE!’ on a sunny day.
Two years ago, Doug...