Don’t let a cold sore ruin your smile

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Nothing like holiday pandemic stress to trigger a cold sore. People who get these regularly know the feeling when one is brewing just under the skin.    It never fails that a cold sore appears at the worst possible time. Finding which cold sore treatment works best for you can help speed along its healing. Here’s how to treat It quickly. The...

How to quickly treat cold sores

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Got a Cold Sore? Here’s How to Treat It Quickly. A cold sore always crops up at just the wrong time. Nobody likes to have an ugly sore on their lip or corner of their mouth. Finding which cold sore treatment works best for you can help speed along its healing. And that’s why we’re here. Cold sores usually last 7-10 days but how you manage...