Don’t let a cold sore ruin your smile

By Dr. Stephanie McGannDMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times

Nothing like holiday pandemic stress to trigger a cold sore. People who get these regularly know the feeling when one is brewing just under the skin.    It never fails that a cold sore appears at the worst possible time. Finding which cold sore treatment works best for you can help speed along its healing. Here’s how to treat It quickly.

The first question everyone asks is,  how do I know it really is a cold sore?

Let’s clear the air about what a cold sore is and isn’t. Cold sores are contagious blisters that usually appear on your lips or around your mouth. Caused by a virus, cold sores usually start with a tingling sensation, evolve into numerous tiny, painful blisters, and later crust over.

Canker sores, on the other hand, aren’t contagious, but they still sting. Unlike cold sores, they usually appear as white oval lesions inside your mouth, especially near or on your gums. Canker sores are most prevalent in children. They are sometimes called aphthous ulcers. In some cases patients can develop chronic aphthous ulcers and go from one ulcer to the next with little or no break in between.

Remedies for Cold Sores

The key to treating a cold sore is acting fast. As soon as the first symptom appears, consider these steps to move the healing process along quickly:

Apply Ice to the Cold Sore.  At the first sign, grab an ice cube, wrap it in a paper towel, place it where you feel the cold sore coming on, and let it melt. Back-to-back applications can reduce the pain.

Switch to a Cold-Sore-Fighting Diet.  You can boost your immune system’s fight against this viral nuisance with the right foods. Fill your plate with cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli, kale, and cauliflower, and avoid foods with arginine, a cold-sore-triggering amino acid found in nuts, chocolate, and oats.

Dial Down the Stress.  One of the most common causes of cold sores is, surprise, surprise, stress. Minimizing stress these days can get so complicated that it causes more stress, right? But try giving yourself some time for the restorative, restful activities that drop your heart rate and raise your smile.

Reach for Aloe Vera or Even an Over-The-Counter Cream Both natural and medicinal creams have shown promise as cold sore remedies. Some studies suggest that aloe vera can help the fever blister heal, and over-the-counter creams, like Abreva, also tout their ability to knock the sore out of cold sores. Prefer the medicinal route? Check with your healthcare provider or pharmacist before using it.

Relieve Pain with Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen. Some cold sores can get really painful. For those intense ones, acetaminophen or ibuprofen may provide well-needed relief. Just be sure that your healthcare provider’s on-board with that type of over-the-counter med.

Your dentist or physician can prescribe an antiviral medication if the symptoms are severe.. There you have it. You’re on the fast track to treating that cold sore quickly and living your best life at the party. Don’t forget to smile!

Dr. Stephanie McGann, who has more than two decades of dental practice experience, is a resident of the Unionville area and owns and practices at Rainbow Valley Dental, in Valley. She is a past President of the Chester/Delaware Dental Society and she is a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry.

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