Letter: Times’ endorsement of Barrar is disappointing

To The Editor,

Letters1Your endorsement of Steve Barrar for the 160th State House is disappointing, and your reasoning, bizarre. Ideology out the window! Really, ideology that translates to legislation…and it doesn’t matter because he can do you some personal favors?

Anyone who cares about women’s health, strong public education for all, good transportation infrastructure, and laws that abide the constitution should Vote for Whitney Hoffman, Barrar’s Democratic opponent.

Allow me to outline just how dangerous this representative is.

Barrar co-sponsored the bill that would require any woman seeking an abortion, for any reason, to undergo an invasive, painful, expensive, and medically unnecessary transvaginal ultra-sound. This same Barrar, is the only area representative to vote against the PA Transportation legislation, that would, among other items, bring much needed improvements to the route 322 corridor between Route 1 and I-95. Barrar supports school vouchers which diverts tax dollars away from the public education. He supported voter ID laws which were deemed unconstitutional.

This man, Steve Barrar, does not have sound judgement. He cannot properly represent and be trusted to legislate for us in Chester County or the State of PA.

It is time for PA and Chester County to have rational thinkers and doers representing us.

Whitney Hoffman is the only suitable and intelligent candidate for the 160th House seat.

Carol Catanese


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One Comment

  1. Sean C. Rafferty says:

    I’ve known Representative Barrar for a number of years and take issue with the gentleman who is upset over the papers endorsement of him. Rep. Barrar is a good man and he follows his conscience, and not just his party. He does the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Not because it may or may not help him politically. Rep. Barrar also does more for our vets than any other elected official I know. He also hands out his personal cell number and asks that constitutes call him directly, even if they disagree with him politically. He also will help anyone who asks, and it doesn’t matter what party affiliation they belong too. Rep, Barrar earned his endorsement, which is more than I can say for some. Thank you Chesco Times for supporting a worthy and honest man for the job.

    Sean C. Rafferty