Candidates’ Linked In profile cited as source for questioning residency
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Eric Roe
The House Democratic Campaign Committee (HDCC) alleged Thursday that Eric Roe, a Republican endorsed write-in candidate for the 158th State House seat, is not eligible to run — saying he hasn’t met the residency requirements, while local GOP officials blasted Democrats for trying to “confuse” local voters.
According to the HDCC, Roe’s Linked In page calls into question whether or not he has lived in the 158th district or Pennsylvania long enough to be eligible to run for State Representative. Under the state Constitution, State Representatives must live in the state for four years and within the district for one year prior to the election. Democrats contend that Roe spent time living and working in Washington D.C. after his 2010 graduation from American University. They also cite Roe’s time living in London, while studying at University College.
Roe is waging a write-in campaign for State Representative for the GOP nomination, along with Perry Bentley. Democrat Susan Rzucidlo is also seeking the GOP nod, via a write-in campaign. County Republicans were forced to resort to a write-in campaign after Lenny Rivera withdrew from the race, after questions emerged about the validity of his nominating petitions. Less than two years ago, Cuyler Walker abruptly withdrew from the state house race, ultimately replaced by incumbent Chris Ross, who had planned on retiring. Ross went on to defeat Rzucidlo in the 2014 general election.
Local Democrats say that once again, Republicans are showing a lack of respect for the rule of law and the residents of the 158th District by endorsing and running an ineligible candidate.
“These documents show that Eric Roe does not meet the residency requirements to run for office in Pennsylvania,” Said Brian McGinnis, Chair of the Chester County Democratic Committee. “First, Cuyler Walker, then Lenny Rivera, and now Eric Roe — all are unfit for office. I wonder what else is next for the Republicans.”
Local Republicans blasted the claims as false and deceptive — little more than an election season trick to fool voters.
“This is a pathetic attempt by the Democrat Party to confuse voters just days before a Primary Election in hopes that their Democrat candidate wins the Republican Primary.” said Chester County Republican Committee Chair Val DiGiorgio in a statement issued Friday morning.
“Let’s set the record straight,” DiGiorgio continued. “Eric Roe has been a resident of Pennsylvania and the 158th State House District for 25 years. He’s been registered to vote here since he was 18 years old. He has continually maintained his driver’s license and car registration here and he has filed his income taxes here. This is all public record and indisputable.”
But it seems Democrats aren’t buying the argument, and may seek legal intervention in the courts.
“It appears that Eric Roe has only been a resident of Pennsylvania for two years
and three months preceding the 2016 Election and not the required four years,” said
Nathan Davidson, Executive Director of the PA HDCC. “We will continue to investigate
and are seriously considering challenging his candidacy in court if he were to win the
nomination. In 2014 it was Cuyler Walker, and in 2016 it was Lenny Rivera; voters of
the 158th District do not need a third bait-and-switch from the Chester County
Republican Committee under questionable circumstances. Eric, if your LinkedIn page
has misrepresented your residency let the voters know, otherwise please have the
decency to withdraw from the write-in campaign and prevent further legal action.”
But Republicans say it is the Democrats who are playing games and working to deceive and confuse voters.
“Susan Rzucidlo, the Democrat candidate, has spent the last two months trying to mislead Republicans, hoping they will vote for her in the Republican Primary,” DiGiorgio said. “Now, she is propagating blatant lies and should be ashamed of herself. She is a three-time loser, and in her fourth attempt for this office, she knows her only hope for election is underhanded tricks and political games.
“On Tuesday, Republican voters can be confident that Eric Roe is the real, conservative Republican candidate endorsed by their neighbors, the local Republican Committee people.”
Typical DC insider Eric Roe trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the electorate in the 158th. You aren’t fooling anyone Eric Roe. Career politicians like you are what got us in to this mess, so you and your DC establishment cronies certainly won’t get us out.