Letter: Chester County shows strong support for Coatesville

To The Editor, I experienced firsthand the pride of the Coatesville community when walking in their Christmas Parade a few weeks ago. More important than my personal participation, though, has been the continued support by Chester County of Coatesville organizations.  Specifically, through our Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) allocation this year, the Chester County Commissioners have awarded...

Letter: thanks Pitts for recommending Healthcare.gov

To The Editor, Thank you, Congressman Pitts, for recommending HealthCare.gov! Our Congressman Joe Pitts has been an outspoken critic of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and so I was wondering what he would advise a constituent who did not have health insurance. So I emailed him through his website and asked this question: ‘I do not have health insurance and I want to get it. I do not want...

Letter: Supports anti-human trafficking bill

To The Editor: Human trafficking doesn’t happen only “somewhere else.” “You don’t mean here, right?” I hear that question more than 100 hundred times per year in conversations about human trafficking, modern slavery and sex trafficking in southeastern Pennsylvania—especially in the beautiful, well-off suburbs and countryside surrounding Philadelphia. My answer is always the same. “Yes,...

Letter: concerns about link between pollution and cancer

To The Editor, I have four daughters, all young adults now. But I still worry about their health and well-being as much as I did when they were living at home with me.  Lately I have heard much about an alarming increase in the number of women diagnosed with lung disease.  According to the American Lung Association, the rate of newly diagnosed lung cancer cases over the past 33 years has dropped...

Letter: Join the fight for clean air

To The Editor, The World Health Organization recently labeled outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic, thereby confirming something I’ve always believed… air pollution contributes to lung disease. Now as I watch my children play outside, I have to wonder… How clean is the air they are breathing?  And, as scary as it is, I’m afraid I know the answer… not very. My mother suffers from COPD, and...

Letter: Questions McQueen’s campaign contributions

To The Editor, I was reviewing the campaign contributions of the Republican Controller candidate, Norman MacQueen. Mr. MacQueen is also an elected Supervisor in Willistown Township. I was reviewing the contributions because the Controller’s position is a very important position. The Controller is the “watchdog” for county government and the office must be an example of high integrity. ...

Letter: CASD board member addresses CCIU issue

To The Editor, I want to correct a number of misconceptions surrounding the School Board’s decision to not engage the CCIU in our search for a Superintendent.  The following represents my opinion and has not been endorsed by either the Board or the District. The Board had, in fact, anticipated utilizing the services of the CCIU in our search.  However, during our interview with them, CCIU personnel...

Letter: Enemies of the people

To the Editor, U.S. legislators in opposition to the President of the United States and his effort to help some 30 million Americans achieve the peace of mind to have health care available to them and their families have reached the limits of their audacity. Eighty Republican Congressmen signed a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representative demanding that he begin the process to shutdown the...

Trust extends thanks for successful historic house tour

The mission of the Tredyffrin Historic Preservation Trust is to help preserve and protect historic and cultural resources and to educate the public about the preservation and protection of historic and cultural settings. As president of the trust and chair of the annual Historic House Tour, I would like to thank the special historic homeowners, who opened their their doors for the 9th Annual Historic...

Letter: Freedom, justice, equality

To The Editor, I continue to ask myself this question, why should African-Americans, Latino-Americans, middle-class Americans and poor Americans serve in the United States Armed Services? I say this because of what the Tea Party, the Conservatives and the Republicans in the U.S. Congress and in some state legislatures are doing to the American people. For example, disenfranchisement in voting, threatening...