Letter: Fleecing the public

To The Editor: Last year, the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund (RHDF) was given $264 Million of state revenue. This year it is budgeted to receive $301 Million. Since the passage of the 2004 Gaming Act that established this fund, $1.7 Billion has been given to wealthy horse owners and breeders. Most of this money is not used for racing infrastructure; 80% of it is simply used to increase...

Letter: In support of paycheck protection

To The Editor: Pennsylvania needs Paycheck Protection laws. It’s not fair that public sector unions have special privilege.  It is not the responsibility of government entities to collect union dues.   Furthermore, I do not want my tax dollars being used to collect union dues – and that includes using our/my tax dollars to collect union dues in our school districts.   Should taxpayers...

Letter: Healthcare contributions to Pitts are unethical

To The Editor:  Candidates for public office filed their fundraising reports this week and I was shocked by the report submitted by Congressman Joe Pitts. Mr. Pitts is the Chair of the House Subcommittee on Health. As such, he has oversight and regulatory powers over the health care industry. Yet Mr. Pitts’ filing revealed that he accepted contributions from 29 organizations representing corporations...

Letter: We must work together to protect our community

To The Editor,The current application by Sunoco Pipeline L.P. to exempt itself from local zoning control in its efforts to bring a natural gas pipeline through Chester County should be a serious concern for all Chester County residents. Sunoco’s proposal involves repurposing the current Mariner East Pipeline to deliver Marcellus Shale liquids from Western PA to the Marcus Hook refinery in Delaware...

Letter: end gifts to legislators

To The Editor: In Pennsylvania, giving gifts to legislators is big business. Under current law, only gifts valued over $250 or transportation and lodging over $650 must be disclosed however in Pennsylvania any gifts of any value can legally be given to legislators, as long as it can’t be linked directly to a vote. This is an improper law and practice that is counter to the principles on which our...

Letter: UCF residency still an issue

To The Editor: At the UCF Board’s work session on Monday, March 10th, it was reported that Dr. Sanville had privately discussed the situation of non-resident students that were attending our schools. The Board was satisfied with the explanation of this probable illegal situation. After 3.5 months of raising the possibility of out of district students attending our schools and enduring several...

Letter: County official thanks Penn Township residents

To The Editor, It is an honor to have been elected as Clerk of the Courts of Chester County, which I began January 2014. The cost-effective and efficient administration of the court system is a vital component of our local government. The trust placed in me by the voters is a tremendously positive motivating factor as I approach the challenges of this office. Thank you for the vote of confidence! As...

Letter: Fracking ruling restores power to locals

To The Editor, The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has rejected Tom Corbett’s request to reverse the Act 13 decision, which struck down key provisions in the natural gas drilling laws as unconstitutional. Locally, Newlin Township, the little township that could, stood up, fought back and won in 2012 when these provisions of Act 13 were first struck down. Now all of Pennsylvania has won because of the...

Pennsylvania deserves better than Kick-The-Can

To The Editor, We have a pension crisis in Pennsylvania. It was created by Governor Ridge and the legislature, when the passed Act 9 of 2001, then kicked down the road by Governor Rendell and the legislature for the 8 years that he was in office. In 2011 the pension crisis was addressed by Act 120, a balanced bipartisan solution to a long-term problem that moves the state toward paying off the bill.  ...

Letter: for kids sake, we need to fight for clean air

To The Editor, Lately, I’ve been thinking about the quality of the air we breathe.  The World Health Organization recently labeled all outdoor air pollution as carcinogenic.  Several decades worth of industrial and vehicle emissions have poisoned our air.  And I can’t help but wonder what this means for my children and for all children exposed to these toxins.  Contaminated air just can’t...