The joy (not) of paying the GOP tax

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Say what you will about Donald Trump, but a lot of what either thrills or angers folks is decades in the making. Essentially, Republicans being Republicans. For me, personally, that means grabbing money from me and my family and cheerfully reassigning it to wealthy people and corporations. Until I recently did the math, though, I had no idea how bad those numbers were...

HB 1890: a perfect storm of cluelessness and cruelty

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times If you spend time on social media (my condolences), you’ve probably seen a lot of heat about a proposed Ohio law that would force women with ectopic pregnancies have their embryos/zygotes reimplanted. Whatever your views on on abortion, this is scientifically impossible — no one ends an ectopic pregnancy as a form of birth control, but literally as a life-saving...

The end of shared truth starts with the death of local news

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Hopefully, everyone survived Thanksgiving without finding themselves in a political tussle with friends and family. While much is wrong with our world and country, it is important to remember the things we all share, such as the love of friends and family, are something we all cherish. We all want to be financially secure, safe, healthy and have a true purpose in life....

Letter: Pelosi’s drug pricing plan will hurt innovation and access

To the Editor: For people living with chronic illness, daily life can be excruciatingly difficult. But if your child is the one suffering, like my daughter who has POTS, gastroparesis, and celiac disease, life is often challenging because you feel useless. No parent wants to feel like they cannot help their child. Fortunately, our medical researchers are finding new treatments every day. Progress is...

The numbers don’t lie: Donald Trump killed the GOP in SE Pennsylvania

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times In reviewing the final results of the 2019 elections in Chester County — and by the way, whomever decided to change up the format to make them almost impossible to work with on the Web, please find another line of work – I feel a little bit like one of the structural engineers on the Titanic seeing how my own preeelction projections played out. Clearly, my math...

Letter: Houlahan puts party over country on impeachment

To The Editor, Congresswomen Chrissy Houlahan has joined all but two of her fellow Democrats by voting yes on the resolution to “formally” start an impeachment inquiry into the President of the United States. Once again, Chrissy Houlahan has placed party over the people by blindly following Congressman Adam Schiff and Speaker Nancy Pelosi down the “impeachment” rabbit hole.   ...

Op/Ed: Time for a new culture in the District Attorney’s Office

By Joseph W. Carroll, Former District Attorney, Chester County Joe Carroll (left) and Deb Ryan On November 5th Chester County voters will elect a District Attorney.  I know from having held that office for 10 years the power and responsibility that goes with the position.  As the chief law enforcement officer of the county, the DA can help keep our citizens safe and bring comfort to the victims of...

Setting the record straight on blame for the pipeline

Editor’s Note: Corrected the source of the mailers, which is Conservation Voters of PA By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times A popular trope on the Internet is “vote blue, no matter who.” As we’ve seen with the likes of Tulsi Gabbard (not to mention so many GOP examples it is impossible to list them all), blind party loyalty is a massive disservice to our country — and how too many elected...

Op/Ed: The struggles I faced throughout my life have made me the strong, driven, hard-working woman I am today

By Amber Little Turner, Candidate, Chester County Recorder of Deeds Amber Little Turner By the time I was 16 years old, I had been a ward of the state, homeless, lived in countless foster homes, and was a teenage mother. I felt like my life was completely over and my future prospects dismal. However, my mother always reminded me that women especially must be strong and persevere no matter the circumstances. My...

Op/Ed: Preserve law and order in Chester County with Michael Noone

By Christopher P. Gerber, Esq., Special To The Times Christopher P. Gerber The election of Chester County’s next District Attorney will be upon us in less than a month. Voters will have to decide which candidate is best qualified to lead the county’s chief law enforcement agency that is charged with the vital responsibility of keeping the public safe from dangerous criminals and the proliferation...