Trump is a racist; if you support him, are you?
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
The truth has a mighty power to bring itself to the forefront, making it impossible to ignore. The shootings in Wisconsin this week again shone a light on what might be the mightiest truth in our country right now: we still have a racism problem.
As in too many of us white folks are pretty freakin’ racist. Still.
Here in Chester County, one of...
Op/Ed: When democracy dies
By Lisa Longo, Special to The Times
Lisa Longo
Democracy fails when the few are permitted to hijack the concerns of the many. When elections become referendums on personalities and political parties are used as weapons against advocates and activists.
When any party becomes a tactical weapon for special interest it loses all ability to speak for, or to, the people.
We are at a pivotal point. We see...
Letter: Democrats must condemn violence during protests
To The Editor,
In his speech at the Democratic National Convention, Joe Biden said “my father taught us that silence was complicity,” apparently not realizing that this statement applies to those in his party today. Barely a word of condemnation or even of recognition has been uttered over the last several months by Democrats in Congress or by those at the DNC as cities throughout our country...
Roadtrip shows why we’re losing the fight against COVID-19
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
The great thing about a road trip is seeing how amazing America can be.
In a pandemic, though, one also sees how foolish, ignorant and careless some Americans can be. A few thoughts from voluntary quarantine (beyond the fact that sleeping on the couch in my home office/detention cell is not super comfortable).
My daughter is a sophomore (and a half —...
The Post Office thing is worse than you know, and you need to pay attention
By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa
POCATELLO, ID — Donald J. Trump doesn’t want you to vote this fall.
Why? He knows unless turnout is awful, he’ll lose and lose badly. He figures if he stops vote by mail — although he’s voting that way — people won’t want to risk standing in long lines at their polling place during a pandemic so he and his appointed troll Postmaster General...
Could Wolf’s call on HS sports help reelect Trump?
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
It’s probably not Gov. Tom’s Wolf’s intention, but if his actions this week prevent fall high school sports, he may have unwittingly helped reelect President Donald Trump.
Before you lose your — well, you know — hear me out.
Generally speaking, I’ve been pretty consistent in my praise of Wolf’s actions regarding COVID-19. His aggressive...
Letter: Thankful to Houlahan for protection of local parks and open spaces
To The Editor,
The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) provides funding for 98% of the Nation’s parks, from the most famous national parks like the Grand Canyon to our local parks, including Downingtown’s Struble Trail. I have been running and biking on the Struble Trail since I was a little kid, and thanks to the recent passing of the LWCF, I can be sure of continued and long lasting maintenance...
Mad about the pandemic? Don’t blame Gov. Wolf
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
Don’t blame Gov. Tom Wolf.
With COVID-19 cases rising again in Pennsylvania, Wolf surgically put the brakes on — closing some bars and limiting restaurant capacity in the state this week.
Yes, for those businesses, it stinks. But such locales proved to be the nexus of infection growth since the state partially reopened.
Don’t blame Wolf. For the...
Op/Ed: President Trump’s Great American Comeback should make Joe Biden feel embarrassed
Erin Elmore
By Erin Elmore, Special to The Times
America is picking up momentum under President Trump’s bold leadership in the Great American Comeback. As President Trump upholds his reputation as the jobs President and always puts America first, the economic contrast between President Trump and Joe Biden couldn’t be clearer.
Many indicators show that President Trump is swiftly rebuilding the American...
When it comes to opening schools, Trump has to either put up or shut up
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Open the schools! Or else. Says President Donald Trump.
Okay, there’s almost no one (besides a few kids, maybe) who do not want to see our public schools reopen this fall. My college-age kids are counting the minutes they can return to their campus.
As great as our teachers have done over video, there’s no question that kids learn better in the classroom and benefit...