First responders take 148 million steps toward WalkWorks goal

Representatives from Chester County’s Fire Chiefs and Police Chiefs Associations and the EMS Council join Chester County Commissioners Michelle Kichline and Terence Farrell, County Health Department and Emergency Services Department representatives, and two of the three top walkers in revealing the results of the WalkWorks ChesCo! First Responder Challenge. The Chester County Hero Fund is the true...
Chesco to kickoff WalkWorks first responder challenge 2018 on April 7

WEST CHESTER — The latest challenge set by the Chester County Commissioners to encourage county residents to take five billion steps by the end of 2018 will be launched on Saturday, April 7th at the Chester County Public Safety Training Campus (PSTC) in South Coatesville. The WalkWorks ChesCo! First Responder Walking Challenge kicks-off that day at a special event open to the public, and especially...