Letter: Rep. Pitts only represents the 1%, not us

Editor’s Note: The following is an open letter to U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts — and it’s author asked that it be published as a letter to the editor.
Dear Rep. Pitts,
I received your letter asking me to contribute to your re-election campaign and vote for you on Nov 4th. It was good to hear from you.
You expressed pride in the work that you have supposedly done for me. Really? That is delusional;...
Letter: thanks Pitts for recommending Healthcare.gov

To The Editor,
Thank you, Congressman Pitts, for recommending HealthCare.gov!
Our Congressman Joe Pitts has been an outspoken critic of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and so I was wondering what he would advise a constituent who did not have health insurance. So I emailed him through his website and asked this question:
‘I do not have health insurance and I want to get it. I do not want...
Ellison is out and so is the Tea Party

One — the former Democratic power-broker — knows he’s done, the other is oblivious
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
As we head into the holiday season — and hopefully, a couple of weeks of relative quiet — a few notes and thoughts on local political stuff and other news items.
Maybe the topline item this morning is that James Ellison is out at Rhoads & Sinon — meaning he will no...
Protestors push Pitts on immigration
Police break up peaceful Willowdale event after neighbor complains
Updated: 4:30, adds comment from Rep. Pitts.
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
More than two dozen Chester County residents gathered Monday morning to tell U.S. Representative Joe Pitts (R-16) to support the proposed immigration reform bill in the U.S. House. The peaceful event was ultimately broken up by police after a neighbor complained.