Can an imprisoned Trump still be president?
By Rich Heiland, Columnist, The Times
CAN DONALD TRUMP be convicted, sentence to prison, actually go to jail and still serve as president of the United States. Well, yes, he can.
The U.S. Constitution, the ultimate arbiter, is silent on the criminality of a president.
A lot of people are assuming that if Trump is tried and convicted prior to the November 2024 general elections on all the charges he...
I always stand….for the U.S. Constitution
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
The other night, as I have done countless hundreds of times, I stood with my hand over my heart during the playing of the National Anthem on the sideline of a local high school football game.
None of the players on either team chose to kneel — but honestly, I wouldn’t have had a big issue with it if they had. Last time, I checked, this is America, a country literally...
Elected officials, students mark 230 anniversary of signing of Constitution
: Legislators, dignitaries and students gather to celebrate the 230th anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution.
WEST CHESTER — On September 17, 1787, eleven years after the Declaration of Independence was signed, 39 delegates came together to sign the United States Constitution. On September 18, 2017, more than 50 students came together to commemoratively sign it again at the...
Why is the Second Amendment more important than all other rights?
Spoiler Alert: It’s not, despite what some might want to sell you
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Much has been said about a recent event at Patton Middle School in Unionville in which a parent left a gun in an unlocked, running car in the school’s parking lot.
While I’m not sure that the ending — the unidentified parent involved apologized to the school district and community, surrendered...