Primary aftermath: Dinniman comes out the big winner

The state senator was not on the ballots, but he emerged as county’s top Democrat By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times While most primary elections in non-presidential years are kind of ho-hum events, Tuesday’s elections turned out to be more revealing than expected, and at minimum give us some hint of what is to come in November. Not shockingly, turnout was lousy, especially on the Republican...

Spring brings out the senseless in politics

May brings flowers and Silly Season, Part I By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Ah yes, it’s May. The blooms are on the trees, warm sunshine is here (that is when we don’t get washed away by five inches of rain), the birds are singing and Spring is in the air. Oh, and the crazy is really ramped up in the political world. From the 158th state house district to Gov. Tom Corbett, the red mist has fully...

Letter: Misinformation about horse breeding funds

To The Editor: It doesn’t surprise me that Ray Farrell (in comments on this site), who is the campaign manager for Roger Howard, doesn’t understand how Breeding Fund payments are made. Farrell took the time to quote from the Racing Act the duties of the Breeders Association but neglected to review (or chose to ignore) the section of the law that explains how breeding fund awards are to...

Letter: Looting horsemen no way to pay for schools

To The Editor, My background is that of an ‘Army Brat” who traveled the world — Turkey, France, Okinawa — with relatives in England, Australia, and New Zealand.  My grandfather in England used to call his bookie and enjoy making small bets from home and take me to the race courses in the 1950s. I love horses and always have from riding carriage horses in Turkey to now owning...

Letter: Howard is misinformed on horse fund

To the Editor, It is apparent, after reading Mr. Howard’s letter on the Race Horse Development Fund, that he should not be running for Representative.  His research and information could not be further from the truth and lack any comprehension of the importance of the horse breeding industry and its impact on Chester County’s economy and the preservation of open space. First of all, the RHDF...

Letter: Howard misled on race horse development fund

To the Editor: It is a sad reflection on the values of politicians in these times that Roger Howard has chosen to open his campaign for the Republican nomination in the 158th State House District with a negative and deceptive letter to this publication.  I am writing to set the record straight on Mr. Howard’s unfounded and deceitful personal attack on his opponent, Cuyler Walker. In 1961, when...

Letter: Fleecing the public

To The Editor: Last year, the Pennsylvania Race Horse Development Fund (RHDF) was given $264 Million of state revenue. This year it is budgeted to receive $301 Million. Since the passage of the 2004 Gaming Act that established this fund, $1.7 Billion has been given to wealthy horse owners and breeders. Most of this money is not used for racing infrastructure; 80% of it is simply used to increase...

Walker announces bid for 158th seat

Long-time supervisor hopes to follow the retiring Ross By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Cuyler Walker EAST MARLBOROUGH — A long-time township supervisor formally announced his bid to succeed State Rep. Chris Ross Monday — Cuyler Walker will seek the Republican nomination for the 158th District. Walker, currently the chair of the township’s Board of Supervisor, has been active in the community...