What To Do: Being non-Christian at Christmas
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Everyone gets immersed in the Christmas holiday season but not everyone celebrates Christmas. Actually, there are many people who opt to not celebrate Christmas for a variety of valid reasons — most commonly because they are of a different religion.
For Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Muslims, Christmas is not a religious holiday.
Fortunately for them,...
What To Do: Celebrate Christmas by stepping back in time
Also: Fun for those who don’t celebrate Christmas
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Reacting of George Washington crossing the Delaware.
For those of us who celebrate Christmas (more for those who don’t below), there is the the anticipation and excitement of the coming holiday, followed by the thrill of Christmas morning.
But what to do after, when there is often a lull between...
What To Do: WWII remembrance, water fun & more
House and Garden tour, street fests just part of busy weekend schedule
By Denny Dyroff, Correspondent, The Times
The Mid Atlantic Air Museum will be paying tribute to the 70th anniversary of D-Day, with a vintage air show, feature World War II-era planes, reenactors (as pictured aboves) period music and comedy acts.
If you take a short trip past the northwestern part of Chester County, you can take...