Sleep is crucial to good health

Rest up! The holidays are coming.
By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times
It’s that time of year again. The clocks have been turned back, the leaves are falling, and the department stores have started decorating, so that must mean that the holiday season is upon us. Along with the “most wonderful time of year” come to-do lists, deadlines to keep, and a host of added stressors. With so...
Don’t overlook the need for rest and recovery
A few easy steps to help recharge your mind and body
By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times
School has started, the days are getting shorter and cooler, and the summer months are slowly winding down. For many people, this means the beginning of a busy time of year that doesn’t slow down until the summer months return once again. With this in mind, I want to discuss a very important concept...