Letter: Where was Kampf on potholes? No where.

To The Editor, I’m going to take a risky political stand here that may alienate and offend a great many readers: I am against potholes. Until last month, I was not aware that being opposed to potholes was even a controversial political opinion.  I assumed that everyone was as anti-pothole as I.  Then I watched in disbelief as our current State Representative Warren Kampf voted against the bipartisan...

Move of 157th precinct violates due process

To The Editor, Last week, the Republican appointees of the Chester County Elections Board unilaterally decided to relocate Precinct 477 (Phoenixville West 1) from the 157th to the 155th PA HOUSE District. This act is a violation of the due process rights and the right to vote for elected officials by the citizens of the 157th. This action, four weeks before the general election, is unprecedented and...