Don’t retire, ReFire: The value of perserverance
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
In this last year, we all have had to dig deep and plug along an unknown, winding road with no apparent end in sight. Now that the end is in sight, we are still dealing with the slow process of getting to the finish line, almost feeling like we’re walking in quicksand, as we attempt to set up an appoint to be vaccinated!
We’re tired. The problem with...
Don’t Retire, ReFire: Compassion in an unsettled world
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
My messages in the last few months have taken me in directions that have stirred up many emotions, changing, often times, moment by moment.
I can assure you that my message here is not a diatribe that will only bring sadness and discontent to you, my Readers. Instead, my hope is that I can, in some way, give you a different interpretation of what you’re...