For New Year’s, reflect on the past and look forward
Resolutions should be small and attainable
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
I love the start of the new year for the opportunity to reflect on the past and the chance to enhance the future with positive, behavioral changes.
However, in order to be successful, I believe it is important to keep resolutions small and attainable. Life is hard enough without feeling like a failure because you...
The problem with goal setting
It’s good to have goals, but you need a plan to reach them
By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times
If you are like many people, the beginning of a new year brings a clean slate that allows for new goals, resolutions, and opportunities. For others, the new year brings a reminder of the resolutions we made in years past that have yet to be resolved, goals that have been king forgotten, or opportunities...