ReFirement at Any Age: Back to a Routine Life
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
For some, there are mixed feelings about getting back to a routine life.
Going from carefree living to structured tasks, business as usual, takes concentration and can be challenging.
However, many of us see this adjustment as a recalibration, like a new year and birthdays.
We are creatures of habit and routine, which is essential for quality of life. Flying...
ReFirement at Any Age: Pay attention
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
We live in a world where, now more than ever, we need to be alert and pay close attention to what we are doing, what we are saying, who we interact with and who we speak with.
We must be aware of the activity around us and of the people around us who are not paying attention. It could be a dangerous combination if we all were unaware of our surroundings!...
ReFirement At Any Age: Individuation
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
Individuation. I had not heard of this principle until recently. It intrigued me to learn more and eager to share it with you.
My interpretation is that it’s a recipe for an amazing blessed-filled life if you understand it and practice it.
Here are my findings…
Individuation is a profound psychological concept that was first introduced by Swiss psychiatrist...
Becoming The Best U: Improving your resiliency
By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times
Question: I lost my job during Covid and since then I can’t seem to pull myself out of my funk. Other friends of mine lost their job too, but they seem to have dealt with it just fine. Heck, one of my friends decided to start her own company after getting fired from her last job. She’s loving life! What’s wrong with me? What do they have that I don’t?
ReFirement at Any Age : Be the change you want to see
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
Living in this world can be challenging and hard to understand but it can also be inspiring.
How is that possible, you may ask?
Well, if we can’t change the way something looks, maybe we can change the way we see it.
How we do that is by clearing our minds of judgment and just look at a person or situation and make the effort to fully understand what we’re...
ReFirement at any age: Vital core values to know, practice and stay true to
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
In a world of chaos, where one’s core values are tested every day by the influences of our society, stay true to yourself and your values, at all times, even when no one is looking.
It is important to stay grounded in the values and beliefs you have come to know.
The battles we wage on ourselves and the world can be a never ending-struggle if we don’t...
ReFirement at any age: Strive for better, every day
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
If there is one thing we all should have learned in the last two years is that life is short, life is precious and life is unpredictable, where you never know what each day will bring.
The lessons I present every month are as much for me as they are for you, my readers. However, some topics hit me harder, like this one. It has more impact and relevance, in...
Don’t retire, Refire: Be Curious
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
February, while a short month, tends to drag, just like January did, at least it does for those who long for the warmer weather.
How are we spending these short, cold days until Spring rolls around?
Many of us hibernate, becoming sedentary, eating too much, drinking too much, sitting too much and basically becoming couch potatoes.
As the days slowly get longer...
ReFire at any age: It’s that time of year…..
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
How would you finish that phrase?
The song finishes that phrase with, “when the world falls in love”. That doesn’t necessarily mean to fall in love romantically. I think it means falling in love with life.
I would tweak that phrase a bit by saying; it’s that time of year for spreading love, joy and cheer.
The excitement of the holiday season is all...
Don’t Retire, ReFire: Quarantine, a taste of retirement
By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
It has been 11 weeks since most of us have been under Pennsylvania’s Stay Home ordinance.
How have you been spending your time?
Many of my clients, who are not yet retired and, quite frankly, fearful of how it will be when they stop working, are getting a taste of what retirement will look like.
The first, and most important, challenge we were faced with...