On Stage: Updated Uptown! set to reopen, Friday night

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center
It’s time for West Chester to start rocking again.
Uptown! Knauer Performing Arts Center, a chic, 300-plus seat music and entertainment venue located in the heart of West Chester (226 North High Street, West Chester, uptownwestchester.org) is ready to reopen its doors after a shutdown caused by the pandemic.
On Stage: Michael Borowski makes solo debut at Sellersville

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Michael Borowski
When Michael Borowski performs at the Sellersville Theater (24 West Temple Avenue, Sellersville, 215-257-5808, www.st94.com) on February 2, it will be as close as possible to what he could call a hometown show.
The talented pianist grew up 10 minutes southwest of Sellersville in Souderton and now lives about 15 minutes south of the...
On Stage: Kasim Sulton’s music is familiar, even if his name isn’t

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Kasim Sulton
You may not recognize Kasim Sulton by name, but you most certainly have been exposed to his musical efforts.
Sulton, who will be performing at the Sellersville Theater (24 West Temple Avenue, Sellersville, 215-257-5808, www.st94.com) on December 12, has a list of names on his musical resume that looks like the “Who’s Who” of the world’s...
On Stage: Comedian Youssef know how to get to your heart — literally

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Bassem Raafat Mohamed Youssef
Live entertainers can evoke a wide range of emotions.
They can make you laugh, or they can make you cry. They can bring great happiness, or they can rip your heart out.
Bassem Youssef, who is headlining Punch Line Philly (33 East Laurel Street, Philadelphia, 215-606-6555, http://www.punchlinephilly.com), can have you laughing...
On Stage: Newsies hit Philly

Stray Birds, Adrian Belew top music acts on tap this weekend
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Newsies, The Musical, celebrates an era when newspapers were still printed, and opens Oct. 28 at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia.
Sometime in the future — maybe even the very near future — kids will be unfamiliar with newspapers just as today’s younger generation has a hard time...