On Stage: Channeling the spirit of Robin Williams

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Roger Kabler as Robin Williams
While Halloween and El Dia de Los Muertos are still a little more than a week away, there will be a visit from a departed person this week.
The spirit will be the spirit of Robin Williams and its destination will be the Candlelight Theatre (2208 Millers Road, Arden, Delaware, www.candlelighttheatredelaware.org).
On Stage: Carlene Carter reaches back into her family tree for new project

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Now that Valentine’s Day is over, it might just be a good time to check out some live music. There are shows with a variety of genre choices around the area on February 15 including country rock/Americana, jazz/blues, alt-pop, avant-garde, Hawaiian/SoCal reggae and singer-songwriter.
Carlene Carter
Carlene Carter, who has one foot in country-influenced...
On Stage: Ladysmith Black Mambazo at Longwood

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Ladysmith Black Mambazo
There are dozens of music acts with “Smith” in their names including Aerosmith, Echosmith, Gunsmiths, Smiths, DJ Whitesmith, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Robert Smith, Locksmith, Smith, Goldsmith, Smithereens, Patti Smith, Wordsmith, Silversmith, G.E. Smith, Tinsmith, Elliott Smith, Blacksmith, and The Tunesmiths.
Two of them...
On Stage: The Residents, a band like no other

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
The Residents
The Residents, who will bring their “In Between Dreams Tour” to the Foundry at Fillmore Philadelphia (1100 Canal Street, Philadelphia, 215-309-0150, www.thefillmorephilly.com) on April 26, are band like no other.
The Residents are a band from San Francisco. They have been around since 1972 and have never revealed the identity of any...