Letter: Elected officials must act to lower crime and gun violence

To The Editor,
The gun violence and crime is still happening persistently throughout southeastern Pennsylvania. Especially in our city of Philadelphia. Most people who have resided in Pennsylvania for more than a decade would have the same question about all the unlawful behavior. Why are there still multiple shootings with crime incidents all the time?
At the rate this inhumanity is going our...
Local police warn of fake IRS call scam

More than $23 million has been stolen, nationally, with fake calls
By Lauren Parker- Gill, Staff Writer, The Times
WEST CALN – With tax season in full swing, some Chester County local police departments are warning residents of phone and email scams from individuals claiming to represent the IRS.
Phone scammers are using fake names and IRS badge numbers, along with a toll free number that appears...
Letter: DA’s back pre-K to fight crime

To The Editor,
The passage of the 2014-15 state budget included an important funding increase for future crime prevention – a $10 million increase for PA Pre-K Counts.
What does Pre-K have to do with crime prevention?
Considering that approximately 70 percent of our nation’s state prison population failed to receive a high school diploma, education is a pivotal factor between incarceration and...