Letter: Silent conservatives need to speak out or death of democracy will be on you

To The Editor: This is not about Donald Trump.  It’s not even about the sad souls seduced by him.  The insurrectionists who stormed the Capital to prevent the peaceful transfer of power were primarily guilty of being gullible.  They fell for the big fraud.  They did not do the defrauding.  Many have been held accountable for their actions.  Most of the ones who fooled them have not.  Yet. I...

Letter: True conservatives believe in democracy and the rule of law

To The  Editor: Beware of people who are oblivious to the obvious. People who lose an election, and believe they won. Not based on evidence. But based on what they “feel.” I am a Conservative. Many Republicans today delude themselves by calling me a RINO (Republican In Name Only). True Conservatives believe in the Constitution, Democracy, and the rule of law. Donald Trump only believes in himself....