Letter: Addiction needs healing, not hate
To The Editor,
Good Morning , My name is William Thomas and I am a recovering Addict!
Although it was April 5, 1984 that I was scared enough and in pain enough to seek realĀ help. I make no apologiesĀ for my addictions and accept full responsibility for my recovery. My drug of choice was Alcohol, however hundreds of Quaaludes, amphetamines, lines of coke, bottles of codeine cough syrup and an occasional...
Letter: Aug. 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day
To The Editor:
Drug overdose is a leading cause of accidental deaths in Pennsylvania. The rate of overdose deaths in the state has increased by 14% in recent years and is significantly higher than the national average. Government alone cannot fix what is wrong in society, but it does have an important role to play. The government can coordinate and connect systems so that there is less redundancy,...