Truitt announces reelection bid

State Rep. Dan Truitt (R-156) State Representative Dan Truitt (R-156) announced his intention to run for re-election in 2016, Monday. Truitt, who was originally elected in 2010, serves much of the greater West Chester area, including Birmingham in the Unionville area. “It has been my honor and pleasure to serve the residents of the 156th District and work with them to focus on priorities like education...

Merry Election Season? Not so far

State House GOP budget play doesn’t seem to make political sense By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times It’s that time of year — you can see the indications of it everywhere. It’s election season. What, you thought I was talking about Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza? After just a few weeks off from the local 2015 elections, politics has moved back front and center, even if the events of 2015 will...

Roe to seek 158th GOP nomination

Eric M. Roe A West Goshen man became the third Republican this week to announce they would seek the party’s nomination for the 158th District State House seat, and potentially replace the retiring State Rep. Chris Ross. Eric Roe, currently the administrative assistant to County Commissioner Michelle Kichline, said he would seek the party’s nomination. Previously, Kennett Square attorney...

Letter: Sestak will be a senator for all of the people

To The Editor, Over the past five years I have had the opportunity to listen and to watch Admiral Joe Sestak in action. Whether taking questions from senior citizens or in a discussion with high school students too young to vote, he demonstrated compassion and a sensitivity seldom seen in politicians. I recently accompanied Joe Sestak on a stroll through Thorndale, Pa. while he shared his experience...

Birthright citizen challenge is a slippery slope

Can citizenship be taken away by a whim? By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Much in line with the old Chinese curse, we live in interesting times. Arguably, though, with more than one Republican presidential candidate arguing for repeal (or downright ignoring of) the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, suggesting that the children of illegal immigrants to the United States should be denied citizenship...

Does 161st election prompt worry for GOP?

Also, Kane must go; thoughts on GOP presidential debate By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times It’s still August, and as much as we want to cling to our icy-cold beverages, sun screen and the amazing scent of meat grilling in the back yard, like a storm front, politics, both local and national keep pulling us forward into the fall political season. We’ll dig into the Kathleen Kane issue, the Republican...

Rafferty to run for Attorney General

State Sen. John Rafferty (R-44) State Sen. John Rafferty (R-44) — who represents parts of Chester County — announced Wednesday he would run for state Attorney General in 2016. The post is currently held by Kathleen Kane, a Democrat. Rafferty made his announcement in Harrisburg at the Pennsylvania State Troopers Headquarters in part to highlight a number of high-profile endorsements he received...

Op/Ed: The Affordable Care Act works

By Joe Sestak Joe Sestak I’m reminded that it was five years ago last month that Congress voted the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law, promising to control costs and offer better coverage to more Americans. Back then, many argued that the ACA would be a massive failure with disastrous consequences for our state and bankrupt our nation. They claimed that the law was too expensive,...

Letter: Inspired by Sestak’s walk across Pennsylvania

To the Editor, I am writing to share how inspired I have been by Admiral Joe Sestak’s 422 mile walk across Pennsylvania (ending on Saturday), after announcing his candidacy for Senate (running against Pat Toomey.) He truly wants to “walk in the shoes” of all Pennsylvanians, and he’s been meeting with people of all walks of life, outlining his concerns and truly listening. This is the kind of...