Don’t Retire, ReFire: Pay inspiration forward

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times Do you give yourself enough credit?  Most of us don’t.  If we did we would feel so much more fulfilled.  It would give us a purpose.  If you struggle with feeling a sense of purpose, consider inspiring someone else. The saying goes that it’s better to give than to receive.  This certainly is true in my life. No matter what our age, each of us is...

Don’t retire, Refire: What are you hanging onto that you should let go?

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times As we go through life, we carry memories and emotions that warm our hearts but also ones that block our creative flow and, sometimes, because of that blockage, we are stifled to the point where many of us don’t believe we’re worthy or deserving.  We lose our confidence, our Mojo.  This might seem like a grim way to start an article but, keep reading,...

Don’t Retire, Refire: What kind of life do you want?

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times Is that a “loaded” question? Is there an age limit on asking this question? At what point is it too late in life to ask such a question? There may be some who would think that, if there life isn’t what they hoped it would be or what they wanted it to be, there’s no point in trying anymore. Would that decision be dependent on how old we are? Young...

Don’t Retire, ReFire: Hello 65!

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times Some of you may be approaching 65, some of you may be past 65, and some of you may be years away from 65. Wherever you are in relation to age 65, it’s a number that brings many emotions, good, bad or uncertain. For me, the first positive change I that comes to mind is Medicare. I have been waiting for this for a year! Being Self-Employed, I have paid for...

Don’t Retire, ReFire: How to get yourself back on track

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times Did you ever notice that getting off track can be so easy and getting back on track can be challenging? Staying on track and following the path that you’ve chosen is an ongoing, continuous mindset. It doesn’t just happen once and you’re good. That’s not even remotely how it happens. It requires a constant effort of daily, goal-oriented tasks. How...

Don’t retire, ReFire!: It all starts with you

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times The main focus of every article that I’ve written, centers on taking positive steps towards being the best version of ourselves. It’s about knowing who we are, which is easier said than done in many cases. In my case, this is something that was never brought up, when I was growing up. It wasn’t a conversation that my parents had with me and wasn’t...

Don’t Retire, ReFire: A look at relationships

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times What gives us all the greatest joy in life is to love and be loved. Although it may sound cliché, it truly is one of those few facts in life. “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead,” — Oscar Wilde. The word “love” encompasses many things and comes in many forms and through many ways. ...

Don’t Retire, Refire: Little steps can lead to big changes

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times The common thread throughout my previous articles has been about making small changes, to move towards your goals. I want to impress upon you the importance of focusing on that one, small change and not get distracted over anxious about how far off you may think your goal is. In this regard, have tunnel vision and stay in the moment. Here are 3 small changes...

Don’t Retire, Refire: Don’t be fair to look at your finances

With obligations to parents and kids, today’s retirees may feel the squeeze By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times The subject of finances is one that scares many of us because we aren’t even close to being prepared. According to Money Magazine, one in three Americans have zero dollars in savings. CBS Money Watch calls us the “sandwich generation” because many of us have obligations...

Don’t Retire, Refire: Embrace Spirituality

By Gail Suplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times I want to be clear on one very important point. Spirituality is completely different from religion. Religion is a particular sector with specific doctrine and/or rules attached. Spirituality has to do with self-realization that we, as individuals, are a part of a larger unit, a higher power. That is different for each and every human being because it lies...