Mr. President, we ARE scared, and you aren’t helping

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times If you’re not scared, you’re not paying attention. COVID-19 is spreading like wildfire, we see massive shortages of medical equipment and testing and a federal government paralyzed by a cult of personality, ignorance and lies. Thankfully, most of our state governors — including our Tom Wolf — have stepped up to partially fill the void of leadership. So, yes,...

A common sense guide to prevention of COVID-19 — and a look at the likely impact

By Dr. Stephanie McGann, DMD FAGD, Columnist, The Times Today I sent a communication to my patients, explaining what should be, for most, common sense.  I advised my patients that if they have a cough, a fever, respiratory symptoms or shortness of breath that they should reschedule their dental appointment. Why? All I needed to do was to take a look around, in my small waiting area were two elderly...

The stark truth: Sanders will lose Chester County, Pa. and nationally

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Until Saturday, the early state voters in the Democratic primary had spoken: “Four More Years of Trump!” While Joe Biden’s strong win in South Carolina gave hope to his campaign, the fact remains that he is underfunded and a strong underdog on Super Tuesday. At this point, there are no other viable candidates to take on Sen. Bernie Sanders. This fact — barring...

Houlahan deserves credit for careful consideration on impeachment

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times By now, America has absorbed the fact that President Donald J. Trump was impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday. While Republicans in Pennsylvania had little choice but to submit to the cult of Trump personality — conform or suffer electorally fatal Twitter attacks from the president — Democrats, like our own Rep. Chrissy Houlahan approached...

The numbers don’t lie: Donald Trump killed the GOP in SE Pennsylvania

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times In reviewing the final results of the 2019 elections in Chester County — and by the way, whomever decided to change up the format to make them almost impossible to work with on the Web, please find another line of work – I feel a little bit like one of the structural engineers on the Titanic seeing how my own preeelction projections played out. Clearly, my math...

Kennett Sq. Council to vote on resolution condemning Trump over racial comments

KENNETT SQUARE — The Kennett Square Borough Council will take up a resolution, Tuesday night, to condemn President Donald Trump for racially inflammatory comments. The meeting, at Monroe Nute Room of the Kennett Volunteer Fire Building, starts at 7 p.m. The resolution reads as follows:    Send article as PDF   

Rep. Houlahan: It’s time to start the impeachment inquiry

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times You may or may not have heard much about the testimony of former FBI Director and Special Counsel Robert Mueller this past week before Congress. While many in the media seem fixated on the optics — Mueller wasn’t showy, and demurred on answering a number of questions — for those who paid attention (and read his 400-page plus report), it is increasingly evident...

Op/Ed: Trump budget cuts will be devastating to Chester County

By Kathi Cozzone, Chester County Commissioner Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone It’s déjà vu all over again.  The numbers and the analyses are out and President Trump’s FY 2020 budget contains brutal cuts even more drastic than his 2018 budget.  This budget targets key federal programs that are vital to Pennsylvania counties which provide necessary human services, emergency services...

Anti-Trump, Kavanaugh protesters make their voices heard

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Local protestors gathered at the intersection of Routes 82 and 926 in Willowdale to protest the expected confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, after allegations were made against him involving sexual misconduct and/or assault. The number of protestors nearly doubled from the time this image was shot within less than an hour. EAST MARLBOROUGH...

For GOP, the call is coming from inside the house

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Those of you old enough to remember 1980s slasher movies (or those of who have seen countless Internet memes) might be able to relate to both local and national Republicans when I note it appears that “the call is coming from inside the house.” Yes, Bob Woodward’s Fear and the now-famous Op/Ed in The New York Times display a litany of Republicans willing, even...