Wolf was right; early reopening is killing people & the economy elsewhere

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa A few weeks back, I wrote a column suggesting that the people of Chester County be careful, listen to health experts, wear a mask, wash their hands frequently and continue social distancing as we worked through the process to reopen our county and state, carefully, and slowly. And while it is clear most of the residents in the county agreed — we continue...

We need to have a real talk about race — and the police

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa It was a quiet night in Chester County, last night. Thankfully. But all around America, angry protests — and yes looting, burning and violence — broke out for another night over the police killing of George Floyd, captured on video that literally made it around the world. One of the officers involved was ultimately arrested and charged with third...

As Chester County moves toward Yellow, let’s all be smart about COVID-19

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa So, on June 5, Chester County moves to Yellow status. Obviously, it is good news. It means some of our businesses will reopen and some of our people will go back to work. In some ways, life will go back to something approaching normal. It appears the county will go to Green status by the end of next month — meaning even more things will open, including...

‘Open’ advocates want to kill your small business

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa This week, three Republican state legislators called on Gov. Tom Wolf to begin to reopen Chester County. To say it was an exercise in political hackery — and moronic — is likely an understatement. And yes, it is being orchestrated by President Donald Trump, whose mishandling of the pandemic cost thousands of lives, millions of jobs and will result...

COVID-19 Update: Wolf lays down the law with rebel counties, even as Trump Tweets support for lawlessness

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times, @mikemncgannpa Gov. Tom Wolf Gov. Tom Wolf laid down the law Monday, literally, making it clear that counties and states that chose to ignore his emergency pandemic business shut down orders would face consequences ranging from loss of federal COVID-19 recovery funding, loss of insurance, licenses and other civil penalties, even as President Donald Trump took to Twitter...

It’s happening: Democrats to outnumber GOP in Chester County

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Well, it finally happened. By Monday, it is very likely that for the first time since before the Civil War, there will be more registered Democrats in Chester County than Republicans. Last week, the gap had closed to less than 65, and Democrats had been picking up a couple of hundred registered voters a week in recent weeks. Obviously, electorally, Chester...

Does the GOP care more about money or whether you die?

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa Is it greed or just flat out stupidity? When you have to hope it is the latter, but have a sense it is the former, you get a pit in your stomach at the realization. A fundamental premise of the Republican Party of Pennsylvania is this: “Making money is more important than saving lives.” As long as their corporate overlords are served (and those campaign...

Wolf’s conduct on the pipeline is impossible to explain

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times It runs like a scar across Chester County, a tear far more than a flesh wound, winding across the middle of the county as a reminder that the rich and the powerful can always buy off government at the expense of the people. It is, of course, the Mariner East II pipeline. It is appears to be back under construction because of a waiver from the Wolf Administration deeming...

COVID-19 Update, April 7: Pa. deaths spike; Wolf denounces racism

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Deaths related to COVID-19 spiked sharply Monday, as the state Department of Health reported 78 new fatalities caused by the virus in the state, as additional positive tests grew by 1,579. So, far, according to DOH, 240 Pennsylvanians have died in the pandemic and more than 12,000 Americans have died, according to Centers for Disease Control. DOH reports 14,449 total...

Wolf flawed but OK on COVID-19, but DOH dropping the ball

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times I don’t want to nitpick, but… Look, let’s be clear: Gov. Tom Wolf has done a solid job in reacting to COVID-19 crisis. Compared to knuckleheads like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, he’s been brilliant. Compared to President Donald Trump….well, he’s a super genius. But, admittedly, that’s been kind of a low bar. Compare Wolf to New...