A February SuperSix just for Valentine’s

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day! Not that we ever really need an excuse to shop…but, a holiday does ramp up the intensity. I have found some fun ideas, all under $100!
Here we go…
JCrew Ruffle Neck Pullover (on sale for $60!) :
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Commissioners get to heart of the matter, get CPR lesson

Harry Moore, Deputy Director of Field Services for the Chester County Department of Emergency Services (far left) instructs Chester County Commissioners Terence Farrell, Michelle Kichline and Kathi Cozzone in hands-only CPR.
WEST CHESTER — In Chester County, on Valentine’s Day, it’s all about the heart.
To further emphasize their proclamation of support for American Heart Month, the Chester County...
State Police warn on Valentine’s ‘Sweetheart’ scams

In recognition of Valentine’s Day, the Pennsylvania State Police reminds the public – particularly users of dating and matchmaking websites – to protect themselves against online sweetheart scams.
Also referred to as a romance scam, the sweetheart scam is a common way for thieves to trick strangers into sending them large amounts of cash. The perpetrator typically preys on the loneliness of their...
A chance to find a special person love on Valentine’s Day

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times
My dear Readers,
This is certainly the season of LOVE and as a Dating, Love and Life Strategist, I have never had a client that has inspired me more to help find the love and life one truly deserves. We all deserve love, and I feel so humbled and appreciative that I have been able to help hundreds of men and women find the love and life they’ve always dreamed...
Last-minute Valentine’s Day desserts

By Cathy Branciaroli, Food Correspondent, The Times
A little chocolate can go a long way to saying “I love you” to your sweetie on Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s day is upon us but don’t stress out. Making the day special can be as easy or as elaborate as you’d like to make it. Simple seems best as the clock is ticking down. And last minute dishes can be just as delightful as...
What To Do: One word: chocolate!

Kennett Chocolate Festival is sweet treat before Valentine’s
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Chocolate takes center stage at the annual Kennett Chocolate Lovers Festival.
Once the Christmas holidays are over, the dog days of winter start to set in.
A holiday is always a good way to break up the doldrums of a grey winter and Valentine’s Day is always equal to the task.
Charges filed in stabbing, sexual assault

William Brown
NOTTINGHAM — The Chester County District Attorney’s Office formally filed charges against a West Nottingham man in the alleged stabbing of one woman and the sexual assault of another, in what authorities termed a domestic abuse incident.
William Brown, 45, is facing charges of attempted murder and rape and related charges following a Valentine’s Day incident at the Nottingham...
A great chance to express your love

Valentine’s Day isn’t about gifts, but letting those you love know
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
I was reading an article this weekend about the commercialization of love and how Valentine’s Day is just another “Hallmark” holiday. But, I disagree! I think that February 14th is the perfect opportunity to express your love for all of the special people in your life, not...
What To Do: Get your love on for Valentine’s

From romantic skate, to chocolates and wine, many ways to share your love
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Victorine’s Valentine Day puts local history and Valentine’s Day in perspective at the Hagley Museum.
It’s hard to imagine anyone not being aware that this weekend is Valentine’s Day Weekend but it’s not hard to imagine people appreciating a few suggestions on how to celebrate...