Rep. Houlahan hosts U.S. Commerce Secretary on high-tech tour, roundtable in Malvern
L to R: David Valletta, Vishay Executive Vice President – Worldwide Sales; Gina Raimondo, U.S. Secretary of Commerce; and Chrissy Houlahan, U.S. Representative of PA-06 viewing Vishay’s product display cases
Yesterday, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-6) hosted U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, and business, government, and student representatives from Chester County for a tour and roundtable...
Op/Ed: Change the tone to dignity and respect for our children’s sake
By Marian Moskowitz, Chester County Commissioners’ Chair
Marian Moskowitz
All of us are again dealing with our emotions over the latest senseless massacre, this one in Texas where 19 innocent children and two teachers were murdered. If you are like me, your feelings range from sadness and heartache to anger.
As invariably happens after every mass shooting, the debate again begins over gun laws and...
Commissioners OK $3.2 million in Open Space Preservation and Park Improvement Grants
The 162-acre Martin Six Associates property in Elk Township is one of the recipients of a 2022 preservation grant through the Chester County Preservation Partnership Program.
The Chester County Commissioners today approved the awarding of $3.2 million in open space preservation and park improvement grants. The grants are made available through Chester County’s Preservation Partnership Program, which...
County announces 2022 season of Town Tours & Village Walks
The newly opened Living History Center in the Jones Long Barn in Tredyffrin Township is the meeting location for the July 28 Town Tour & Village Walk event.
For its upcoming 28th season, the 2022 Town Tours & Village Walks program offers a unique opportunity for residents and visitors to learn about the “Founding Mothers and Fathers” who played a significant role in Chester County’s history.
County officials: election process running smoothly
Chester County’s Department of Voter Services reports that the vote computation process from Tuesday’s primary election continues to run smoothly with all precincts accounted for and only provisional and military/overseas civilians’ ballots still to be counted.
“We prepared for this election for many months to ensure every citizen in our county not only knew their vote would be properly counted...
County officials: new home construction in ’21 hits 20-year high
A new report from the Chester County Planning Commission shows that more homes were built in the county in 2021 than in any year since 2001, and that the growth was largely driven by apartment construction. The report also said that despite soaring prices, more homes were sold than in any year since 2005.
“The numbers for units built and sold and the prices for which they were sold are staggering,...
Op/Ed: Consider taking refuge in the highly entertaining films of southern India
By Eric Klein, Special to The Times
Eric Klein
In the quiet hamlets of southeast Pennsylvania, there’s not a whole lot of action. The former farmlands turned to residential neighborhoods don’t offer much excitement.
Fortunately, we do have an IMAX movie theater in Downingtown, PA (population 7,926). I was very pleased to discover that this theater is heavily patronized by a growing Indian population...
Column: Pennsylvania’s fastest-growing county shares what it’s learning from expanded data collection
By Gary Smith, President & CEO, Chester County Economic Development Council
& Michael Grigalonis, COO & EVP, Chester County Economic Development Council
Gary Smith
Chester County is projected to be the fastest growing county in southeastern Pennsylvania, with growth of more than 25% anticipated by 2050. With a 2020 population of just over half a million people, the county is expected...
County highlights local options for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Stock photo of prescription drug bottles. This photograph shows a close-up view of prescription drugs.
Chester County’s Department of Drug & Alcohol Services (CCDDAS) is spreading community awareness for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, taking place on Saturday, April 30th. Organized nationwide by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), National Prescription Drug Take Back Day provides...
Chesco Democrats welcome Hakeem Jeffries to Spring Event
Pictured: Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, Chester County Democratic Committee Chair Charlotte Valyo, and Congresswoman Chrissy HoulahanPhoto courtesy of Jim Salvas
On Wednesday evening, the Chester County Democratic Committee, under the leadership of Chairwoman Charlotte Valyo, welcomed member of the Democratic House Leadership Hakeem Jeffries to Chester County to present the keynote address at...