Jonathan Beech Memorial Concert – a beloved March tradition

An afternoon of inspiration, gratitude & hope

 By Kim Chiomento, Staff Writer, The Times


The annual concert has become a symbol of inspiration and hope.

KENNETT – It was on March 10, 2007 that fifteen year old Jonathan Beech lost a valiant fight against brain cancer.  Jonathan was a gifted musician, excelled academically, loved life and was deeply adored by his family and friends.

During his final days, Jonathan was deeply saddened that he would never have the opportunity to thank every person who had done so much to help him try to overcome his insurmountable illness.  It was during this time of despair a promise was made to him; by his parents Marty and Donna Beech, that a charitable concert would be held annually to do so.

The promise gave Jonathan a great sense of peace and comfort knowing that the chance to thank and give back would happen. Jonathan’s mom Donna says, “I believe that he knew in his heart that these annual concerts would be a key factor his dad’s, his brother David’s, and my coping with his absence and striving to go on with life.”

Donna explains, “I continue to meet many other parents who have suffered a similar loss; this concert is one means of extending to them a bit of hope that, yes, we can go on productively after suffering the worst imaginable loss…Jonathan had so much to offer this world, and part of me feels compelled to live life ‘for’ him, since he died so young. He would have been 23 last Friday.”

The Beechs are both musicians; and Donna is the 2015 concert director.  Marty, a celebrated orchestra director and string teacher in the Kennett Consolidated School Dsitrict for 39 years (now retired), continues to work with youth and embrace music through area performances — recently spotted conducting PMEA’s String Fest and performing in the orchestra pit at KHS’ spring musical, Oklahoma.


Jonathan remains and inspiration to children and their families everywhere

When challenged with selecting music for this year’s concert, Marty & Donna remembered a term paper Jonathan had written while in the 7th grade entitled  ‘Ludwig van Beethoven: An Overview of the Life of a Genius,’  writing...”there was much more to Beethoven’s life than music.  His life was filled with emotion, as was his music: tragedy, triumph, and far more.”…..Though he lived a very depressing life, Beethoven created some of the most uplifting music mortals have ever heard…”   Donna poignantly notes, “This dichotomy between tragedy and triumph, between depressing life and uplifting music, is something that brain tumor children/teens fully understand.”

As a result of coming across his term paper, the Beechs believe Jonathan was ‘telling’ them something; resulting in Donna choosing Beethoven’s works for this year’s concert.  She describes the concert in emotional detail. “Elegy in memory of our brain tumor children and teens who have left us too soon;  Kyrie and Gloria from Mass in C Major, as an expression of the faith that will get us through difficult times; and Choral Fantasy which runs the gamut of emotion from despair and hopelessness, to peace and acceptance, to a glorious hope-filled finale:  tragedy to triumph.”

To date, Donna and Marty’s efforts have raised more than $69,000 for charities including Camp Sunshine, Make a Wish Foundation, Nemours/A.I. Dupont Hosptial for Children, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation, and Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation.

The Beechs invite the surrounding community to an afternoon of inspiration and celebration at the 2015 Jonathan Beech Memorial Concert – Saturday, March 21st, 2 PM – Kennett High School Auditorium.  This year’s proceeds benefit The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia – Division of Neuro Oncology.  The family is  deeply touched that Jonathan’s neuro-oncologist, Dr. Michael Fisher, will attend and also speak at the concert.

Suggested ticket donations are $20/adult, $10/student; the Beech Family underscores that any contribution is welcome; and contributions are tax deductible. Concert performers will include Delaware Youth Symphony Orchestra, Kennett High School Select Choir, Kennett Middle School Treble Choir, Youth Chorale of Kennett Symphony Orchestra and Delaware Children’s Chorus.

For more information, please visit the Jonathan Beech Memorial Concert Home Page:

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