Three charged in So. Coatesville false hit and run report


Scott Albee Jr.

SOUTH COATESVILLE — Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan and South Coatesville Police Chief Lew Wilson announced charges against three area residents Thursday for faking a report of a hit-and-run incident in August.

On Aug. 27, authorities said Scott Albee Jr. was operating an ATV while under the influence, with a passenger on the back of the ATV. He crashed the ATV along Woodward Road in the borough.


Amanda Ottersen

Allegedly, two friends of Albee, Christopher Johnson and Amanda Ottersen, falsely reported to the police that Albee and his passenger were struck by a hit-and-run driver. Albee has been charged with DUI, Aggravated Assault by Motor Vehicle while DUI, and related charges. Johnson and Ottersen have been charged with False Reports, Conspiracy, and related charges.

Albee, 22, is a resident of Coatesville. Johnson, 22, is listed with a last known address in Coatesville. Ottersen, 23, is listed as a resident of West Chester.

“This DUI-related crash was extremely serious and will be dealt with appropriately,” Hogan said in a statement. “The conduct of the defendants Johnson and Ottersen, covering up a significant crime and sending the police on a wild goose chase, also is inexcusable. The police have a hard enough job to do without being actively misled. The defendants made a bad situation much worse, and now they will suffer the criminal consequences.”

Authorities laid out their case in a statement, Thursday:

C Johnson

Christopher Johnson

“On August 27, 2014, Scott Albee Jr. and Brittany Trego were found unconscious and badly injured on the side of Woodward Road in the Borough of South Coatesville, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Their friends Christopher Johnson and Amanda Ottersen reported to the police that Albee and Trego had been struck by a hit-and-run driver. Authorities relayed this information to the media, posted a substantial reward, and engaged in an extensive investigation,” the statement reads.

“During that investigation, police learned that Johnson and Ottersen had lied to the police about the alleged hit-and-run. Instead, the true sequence of events was as follows.

“Albee had been driving an ATV while drunk with Trego on the back of the ATV. Johnson and Ottersen, friends of Albee and Trego, were driving on another ATV in the same area. Albee crashed the ATV into a guard-rail, causing substantial injuries to himself and Trego. Trego suffered a fractured pelvis, fractured back, and other injuries.

“Johnson and Ottersen transported Albee and Trego to a hospital. Johnson then returned to the scene and removed the damaged ATV. Johnson and Ottersen concocted the hit-and-run story in an attempt to cover-up for Albee. Johnson and Ottersen subsequently related this false story to the police.

“Police received reports that Johnson and Ottersen had lied to the police. When Albee and Trego were capable of being interviewed, both were fully cooperative. Both confirmed that there had been no hit-and-run accident and that Albee had crashed the ATV with Trego riding on the back. Albee’s blood alcohol level was 0.147%, well in excess of the legal limit.

“Johnson and Ottersen have been charged with False Reports to Law Enforcement and Criminal Conspiracy. Johnson has also been charged with Tampering With Evidence for altering the crime scene. Albee has been charged with DUI, Aggravated Assault by Motor Vehicle While DUI, and related charges,’ the statement concluded.

This case was investigated by the Chester County Detectives and South Coatesville Police Department. The assigned prosecutor is Julie Hess.

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