Ross announces grant for Kennett Senior Center

KennettSeniorCenterKENNETT SQUARE — State Rep. Chris Ross (R-158) announced last week that the Kennett Area Senior Center will receive a state grant as part of a $2 million statewide plan to modernize senior centers across the Commonwealth.

“The Kennett Area Senior Center will be receiving a Senior Community Center Grant of more than $64,000 for volunteer coordinator initiatives,” Ross said in a statement.  “This is a significant grant, and I am pleased it will be used to improve programs and services for seniors in our area.”

The grants, which are being awarded in all 67 counties, will allow for needed improvements and will help to expand programs and services to better meet the needs of older Pennsylvanians.  The grants stem from the recent State Plan on Aging, administered through the Department of Aging. For more information on the plan, visit

“I am hoping for Senate action next week on my bill to establish a licensing program for community respite services,” Ross said.  “The Kennett Square Senior Center recognized a need for temporary respite services for seniors who were not ready for assisted living or more intensive care, but still require limited assistance. Respite care offers older Pennsylvanians, who require only minimal care and want to remain in their homes, an alternative to assisted living or nursing home care.  House Bill 1702 would enable senior citizens to receive appropriate transitional care as they age while not paying for more services than they need.”

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