Paintings to be blessed at St. Joseph’s


Adrian Martinez’ painting of Abraham and Isaac is one of two paintings to be formally blessed at St. Joseph’s Church in Downingtown, Sept. 28

DOWNINGTOWN — Saint Joseph Roman Catholic Church will bless two paintings created by nationally known artist Adrian Martinez at 1 p.m. in the church on Sunday, September 28 at 338 Manor Avenue, Downingtown.

“This was an honor to be selected to do the paintings for Saint Joseph,” Martinez said. “The blessing by Rev. Monsignor Joseph McLoone makes the artistic creation very special.”

The Renaissance-style paintings depict two biblical scenes, the Old Testament image of Abraham about to sacrifice his son Isaac and the New Testament image of “The Visitation” as Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth to share the news that she is with child.

The paintings were inspired by and painted for the church, which was completed and dedicated in June of 2013. “I was intrigued by the contrasting and complimentary architectural styles of the exterior and interior of the church,” said Martinez. “The exterior reflected an updated 11th century French Romanesque style and the interior reflected influences by 15th century Italians. That two such architectural styles 400 years apart could be so successfully updated and combined was surprising and inspirational.”

Martinez spent nearly a year creating the paintings. He set up a temporary studio in the parish offices to remain close to the church that inspired his work, and he used parishioners as models for the subjects in the works. His first painting, “Sacrifice of Abraham,” a gift from him to the parish, was unveiled at Easter. The second painting, “The Visitation,” was unveiled in August. They hang on either side of the church’s altar.

The Reverend Monsignor Joseph McLoone, pastor, will bless the paintings after the noon Mass on September 28. “We are so pleased to add these works of art to our worship space,” he said. “Mr. Martinez shared his time and talent with our parish and his stewardship will always be part of our church.”

Saint Joseph, the second-largest parish in the archdiocese, has more than 4,400 families and more than 14,500 parishioners. Founded in 1851, the parish’s first church was built in 1852 on Bradford Avenue in the Johnsontown area of Downingtown.

Martinez is an internationally known artist who has had a number of shows throughout the region. His work has been exhibited at the White House and at Camp David. He completed two paintings for the Bush White House, the 2001 Christmas card and an 8-foot by 16-foot mural, and a number of drawings for Camp David.

In 2007 Martinez was asked by First Lady Laura Bush to create two murals of the country’s national parks for the 2007 holiday season. His paintings of the Grand Canyon in Arizona and Zion Park in Utah were displayed in the main hallway of the first floor of the White House.

Martinez received a B.F.A./Painting from Maryland Institute College of Art, a Certificate of Studies in Fine Arts/Painting from St. Martins School of Art in London, and a M.A. in Fine Arts/Painting from Purdue University.  He was an exhibit designer and instructor at the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas, before moving to Downingtown.

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