Letter: objects to Caln’s new waste dropoff rules

To The Editor,

Letters1As you know around three weeks or so ago a fairly large thunderstorm caused downed trees and branches across the area.

In my case there were several large branches down in my yard. After scheduling time to cut up and haul away the storm damage I hear from the township’s Facebook page that “due to illegal dumping” storm damage will only be accepted Monday – Thursday 8-2.

No, I’m not kidding 4 work days and none of them after 5. So now instead of taking my storm damage away as i cut them i have to pile them up and wait, Until I get a weekday off. The next week day I have off is Christmas.

Eventually hours were “extended” to include 9-12 on Saturday. Which would be all well and good if I wasn’t traveling for work on many Saturday mornings for the next 2 months. While I did manage to drop off one load today before the dump “closed” I’m still faced with looking at a pile of storm damage for the foreseeable future.

That all said let’s review the decisions that were made here.  

1. Someone dumped illegally during legal dumping hours, when no one was “watching” the area. Based on the pile of debris, which I did witness it must have taken most of the day for this pile to be made and no one noticed.

2. There was a major storm in the area

3. The Township makes a reactionary rule that now illegal dumping AND legal dumping will be illegal most of the time.

4. Residents are left with few options for cleaning up after storms.

Presumably since the dump can now only be open “when someone is watching” this means no one is watching the dump during “closed hours” except for a rope with some caution tape. This makes absolutely no sense.

Of course not all of my fellow township residents see this as a problem, as now piles of storm debris have been showing up along the roads and in the woods. Frankly, while I’d rather not look at this debris while walking in the woods, I don’t blame them. The blame lays solely with the township who abandoned its residents in their time of need.

Chad Hanson


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