Letter: We must work together to protect our community

To The Editor,Letters1The current application by Sunoco Pipeline L.P. to exempt itself from local zoning control in its efforts to bring a natural gas pipeline through Chester County should be a serious concern for all Chester County residents.

Sunoco’s proposal involves repurposing the current Mariner East Pipeline to deliver Marcellus Shale liquids from Western PA to the Marcus Hook refinery in Delaware County.  The project would include changes to existing pumping and valve stations here in Chester County, including a proposed pumping station overhaul in West Goshen Township.  Sunoco is seeking an exception from West Goshen Township’s zoning ordinances to operate the pumping station in a residential neighborhood.  Hundreds of residents of West Goshen Township at the last township’s supervisors meeting have voiced real concerns and objections to the project, primarily due to safety concerns. 

While that debate continues, the company has also applied to the PA Public Utility Commission for recognition as a public utility, which could exempt the project from local zoning control.  This is especially concerning.  In making this application, Sunoco Pipeline is seeking to remove local residents and their elected representatives from important decisions that affect their health, safety and well-being.

I am pleased that State Senator Andy Dinniman, who represents the 19th District, which includes West Goshen, has made his objection to Sunoco’s application known to the PA PUC.  Sen. Dinniman, a longtime advocate of conservation and open space preservation, has joined with some of his colleagues to assert the need for local control in matters like this, and has correctly pointed out that the right of municipalities to regulate natural gas activity through local zoning ordinances was recently affirmed by the PA Supreme Court.

As a former East Whiteland Township Supervisor, I understand how difficult and how important issues like this can be. I also know that the first job of any elected official is to guard the health, safety and well-being of those they represent.

I would like to commend Sen. Dinniman and the West Goshen Supervisors on doing just that, and I would like to encourage the residents of West Goshen to stay active and informed and stand with their elected officials, regardless of party, as this important debate continues.  I would also encourage the residents of other municipalities within Chester County to do the same so they are prepared when and if this debate comes to their own community.

Maintaining a healthy, safe place for ourselves, our neighbors and our children is an important issue, and we must all work together to protect our community.


Michele Vaughn

East Whiteland

Chair, Chester County Democratic Committee 

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  1. A Dedicated Chester County Democrat says:

    Instead of focusing on supporting an important community issue, these individuals focus on hate filled personal attacks against anyone theyy can find within their line of sight. These individuals obviously don’t have the best interests of the Democrats of this county at heart. Raising important community concerns is the job of the Democratic Party here in Chester County. Individuals with a basic understanding of politics and public service would know that and its clear from their hate filled commentary they don’t.

  2. Concerned Chester County Democrat says:

    As a (soon to be former) supporter of the Chester County Dem Chair, I have to ask: “Michele, why aren’t you out working getting democrats elected?” Why aren’t you writing letters about your outstanding candidate? About your outstanding elected officials?? (all 2 of them)

    As Chair, this is a ridiculous waste of time that you have affixed your title. You have no vested interest in West Goshen: you don’t live there, you don’t own property there, you don’t even know who the Senator is, and you don’t get along with the State Senator – whether or not it is Dinniman or Pileggi!

    Most importantly, this letter does not help Chester County Democrats win elections!

    We know that the Chester County Democratic Party will vote on leadership in a couple of months. So please, show us that you are out across Chester County doing your job by supporting our candidates and elected officials!

    Pipeline issues in West Goshen are not in your wheelhouse, and this letter is just silly. Focus! and help the candidates and elected officials – that’s your job.

  3. I don’t live in Chester Cty., with that said I hope they don’t put the pipeline through my County to get to yours. As far as Political Party bickering you’re all very amusing. To get back to the ‘Pipe,’ they break, they spill, they’re flammable and along with the pipe comes a lot of fun chemicals that are fatal toxins. So I would worry about the house that’s burning down instead of painting the porch. I also think that this end run with filing as a utility could be something to worry about if you’re not paying attention.

  4. Rob says:

    I called dinniman’s office and was directed to Pileggi. Pileggi’s office said he is my Senator. To me, that makes Pileggi my Senator.Call it transition if you like but I call it fact if you need help.

  5. Rob says:

    You are not correct Mike, Senator Pileggi sent newsletters out to East and West Goshen as did Rafferty and other senators in the summer announcing they are the senators for our towns. The State Dept announced as of March 19th, all notaries will be signed in the new districts. Your senator signs a notary application and the PA State Dept has deemed that official last month. Call any Senators office in the state and you will be told they are in the new district.

    • Mike McGann says:

      Well, actually I am correct, as a matter of law, regardless of who is sending lit to whom.

      The 2014 elections (and yes, I know neither Pileggi or Dinniman are on the fall ballot) are the first that elect house and senate members to the new districts. This is why the 74th District State House member Tommy Sankey of Clearfield County is NOT representing the Coatesville/Downingtown area today, but the winner of the 2014 election will (Joshua Young/Josh Maxwell/Harry Lewis Jr.).

      Once those elections are complete, a new legislature will be sworn in and a new session will commence. Only then, technically, will he your state senator.

      You are being sent lit now as part of the transition period.

      Don’t believe me? Ask Sen. Pileggi. Aside from being Senate Majority Leader he was one of the leaders of the entire redistricting process.

  6. Kudos to Michele Vaughn for pointing out what needs to be done to fight the Sunoco’s of the world in our communities. They have some nerve asking to be looked at as a Public Utility.
    We need to protect our environment from the dangers of the rapid escalation of fracking and the transportation of its output thru our land.

  7. Stupid is as stupid does says:

    15 years ago, Michele Vaughn was soundly defeated as a sitting Supervisor is East Whiteland Township. By definition, losing an election 15+ years ago means that she can’t keep acting like she has been recently elected. (Vaughn simultaneously ran AGAINST then-sitting Democratic County Commissioner Andy Dinniman, throwing the Chester County Democratic Committee into lose-lose-lose abyss it has struggled with ever since she has been Chair.)

    As Chair, Vaughn – in her infinite wisdom as the “leader” of County Democrats – put up straw-man Tom Houghton to run AGAINST Dinniman for State Senate, orchestrating an inter-party power play, where Vaughn and Houghton claimed Dinniman wasn’t Democratic enough for the County Committee. But for a last-minute ruling by Courts, an ugly battle would have torn apart the Chester County Democratic Party.

    Now, Vaughn announces she is “pleased’ with Dinniman, and ‘commends’ him? On a pipeline issue? If it sounds stupid, remember, ‘Stupid is as stupid does.”

    Vaughn’s letter is disingenuous, false in its premise, and misleading in its intent. When will Chester County Democrats get there act together, and purge themselves of Vaughn’s deceit and lies?

  8. Rob says:

    I’m a Republican from West Goshen and Dinniman IS NOT our Senator. Dominic Pileggi is the Senator for our township. Wouldn’t you think the Democratic Chairman would atleast know who represents the county and where? First, who cares what her opinion is, she is running a very unsuccessful party and should stay out of our local politics. Except for Dinniman there’s no Democrat in HSB around here.

    • Mike McGann says:

      Technically, until December, West Goshen remains in the 19th Senate District of Sen. Dinniman. For the 2014 election and the term beyond, it will become part of the 9th Senate District of Sen. Pileggi. The two senators, who are trading portions of their districts, have been working together to make sure the handoff goes smoothly.

    • Proud Democrat says:

      To Republican Rob, I am a proud Democrat from West Goshen. I care about stopping this Sunoco pipeline from going through West Goshen, just like many Republicans do. Let’s focus on the main topic, which is that Sunoco is trying to circumvent local zoning ordinances in order to push their pipeline through. This is a very important issue and I am glad that this letter was written by Michele. I appreciate the support from the Democrats and from the Chester County Democratic Committee Chair. Where is the support for the residents from the Republican chair Val? Where is Dan Truitt when we need help? Hiding. The Republicans who represent us seem to have unfortunately traded good governance and common sense for cowardice (or I fear, for money from gas/ oil companies). That pathetic excuse of a Governor we have, Republican Tom Corbett, has sold-out to these companies (campaign donors) that are running PA to the ground. This is why we find ourselves fighting Sunoco at this point. Many West Goshen residents have stated their opposition to this dangerous pipeline running through our backyards. My neighbors, Republicans and Democrats alike, are unified in our disgust of the local elected Republicans. I am glad that Michele and the Democrats have given us support because we sure aren’t getting it from the Republicans!

  9. Joanie Herman says:

    Please read over this material, and see how it will affect all of us.Tomorrow night’s Supervisor’s Meeting at West Goshen Township Building at 7 pm,will discuss whether or not to hire a law firm to assess the situation of the Sunoco pumping station and pipeline plans!!!

  10. Cindy Losco says:

    Recently we have watched other communities across the country deal with spills and the contamination of their water resources. I wasn’t aware this could happen here in Chester County until I read Michele’s letter. If we can all be informed, involved, and spread the word we can make a difference.

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