Letters: Open Letter to Trump Supporters

To The Editor,

At the risk of contradicting all of the “experts” who claim that there are very few votes up for grabs in this election, I believe that a thoughtful consideration of the facts, the truth, will convince all but the most blinded MAGA adherents that they cannot vote for Trump and must vote for Harris, even if they have some genuine policy concerns.  I am and have been a registered Independent voter, not a Democrat.  One warning, this is of necessity a lengthy piece, but I truly believe it is worthy of your time—the future of the country we love is at stake.

To begin, it is essential to acknowledge that Trump supporters have genuine grievances and justified fears.  The economic policies of the last 40 years (yes, 40, not 4) have played an important role in creating the unprecedented income inequality we have experienced in this country, and income inequality is one of the leading causes of our societal polarization.  Moreover, somewhere along the line we have lost the important value of the dignity of work.  Work is noble and working people at all levels have value, dignity and significance.  Indeed, our economy would grind to a halt without all of them (remember the concept of “essential workers” during the pandemic—virtually all of them were working class and middle-class people).  With all of that said, it is important to make the point here that while Trump talks a good game, says he sees you and cares about you, he really does not.  He did absolutely nothing during his time in office to address your needs.

Before examining some of the key issues, I need to say at the outset that for me it is character, not policies, that is required for “eligibility” for the Presidency.  On this metric, Trump is disqualified.  He wraps himself in the flag, but he is a fake patriot.  He does not love this country.  Our nation’s “motto” is e pluribus unum—out of many, one—there is no “us” and “them”, there is only “us”!  And yet, he continuously sows fear and division, making no attempt to unite us, to include everyone.  He has no moral compass.  There is no need to repeat here the myriad of transgressions which would have disqualified any other candidate in the past.  We have all become numb to his repeated lies.  Suffice it to say that his only guiding principle is what is best for him, what is in his interest—not others, not the country and certainly not you.  He is a grandstanding huckster, devoid of principles or moral fiber.  This piece could end here—this is more than enough to mandate a vote for Harris—but I want to continue to some of the issues and provide real facts, the truth, so please keep reading.

Let’s start with the economy, which consistently ranks as the #1 issue for voters, and consider the facts:

  • Trump’s tax cuts benefitted the wealthy, not workers, especially not blue collar workers
  • Biden and Harris inherited a pandemic-ravaged economy
  • Government stimulus was necessary to help people cope with unprecedented income gaps
  • The inflation we have experienced here in the US was also felt in countries around the globe, and was caused not by government over-spending, but by the post-pandemic demand for goods. None of this would have been different under Trump.
  • In fact, inflation has abated faster in the US than in other countries
  • Economic output and employment have both been greater than under Trump
  • The federal debt incurred under the Trump administration was double that which has been incurred under Biden/Harris

How about Trump’s plan to dramatically increase tariffs?

  • Tariffs result in additional cost to the consumer because they are passed on to us in higher prices to cover the cost of the tariff—this would increase inflation, depress economic growth and inflict economic harm on the American people
  • This would also de-stabilize our relationship with China, increasing risk and making the world more dangerous


  • It is true that illegal immigration spiked during the Biden/Harris administration, however, it is now under control and illegal border crossings are now lower than they were under Trump—it is not true that we are less safe—in fact, the crime rate is down and there is no evidence that the crime rate of illegal immigrants is any greater than that of the existing population
  • It is also true that we need immigrants to fill jobs and keep the economy growing. Severe restrictions and deportations would reduce the labor supply, and worker shortages would reduce manufacturing and agricultural output, causing the economy to decline and inflation to increase
  • There is no doubt that we need a better system to regulate and control immigration. Just this year a bi-partisan group of Senators, chaired by Republican James Lankford, developed a bill to do just that, including specific provisions to secure the southern border.  Because he wanted this issue to be in play during the election, Trump mandated the Republicans to vote down the bill and thus we remain without a system and without meaningful reform to our immigration process for decades (a blatant example of Trump placing his interest ahead of the country’s on an issue that we all believe needs to be addressed).

Foreign Policy:

  • The election “experts” believe that foreign policy issues don’t decide US Presidential elections. However, there is so much at stake in the world at this moment that we must review this area
  • Dozens of Republican national security and foreign policy officials agree.  They have endorsed Harris and warned against electing Trump based on his lack of attention to and failure to study critical details provided by US intelligence; his praise for our enemies and affection for autocrats; his repeated undermining of our allies; and his disparagement of veterans.
  • In view of the current situation in the Middle East and Ukraine, we cannot risk the international relations crisis and danger to the world that Trump’s election would create


  • Despite all the evidence and multiple court decisions to the contrary, Trump insists he won the 2020 election. His action and inaction on January 6, 2021, are indefensible.
  • His obstruction of the peaceful transfer of power was something the founders warned against, contravened the Constitution and had never before occurred in the history of our country. This alone should disqualify him and compel a vote for Harris.

Other Issues:

  • Women’s Reproductive Rights: Now that Roe V. Wade has been overturned, Trump has been clear that the states should determine abortion access.  That has resulted in a patchwork of laws and, in some states, severe restrictions which have not only gutted women’s freedom to control their own bodies but have also placed their health in jeopardy. The overwhelming majority of the country believes a reasonable level of access to abortion (like Roe) should be the law of the land.
  • Affordable Care Act: Trump has many times tried to repeal this law, which millions of Americans who would otherwise be uninsured for their health care needs rely upon.  He has proposed no alternative.  This would really hurt people.  Enough said.
  • Climate Change: It makes no sense, but contrary to all the evidence, Trump has not acknowledged global warming/climate change.  In contrast, the Biden/Harris recently enacted Inflation Reduction Act contains many provisions that address climate change and energy independence without sacrificing economic growth.
  • Covid-19 Leadership: You will recall those brutal daily news conferences.  His leadership was non-existent, and it is a fact that many more of our fellow citizens died as a result.

In conclusion, even if Trump’s enormous and blatant character flaws are not enough for you to vote for Harris, I implore you to thoughtfully consider that on every issue he is not just the wrong choice—he is a bad choice.  Everything I have said in this piece is the truth.  Many have said this is the most consequential election in our lifetimes.  I agree.  When you consider all the issues we face at home and abroad, Trump does not deserve your vote and he must not get your vote.



Lou Minella

Kennett Square

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