David Cunningham
It is time again — for the fourth straight election cycle — for The Times election questionnaire for legislative candidates — your chance to get an unfiltered look at candidates’ views on various issues. The questions were sent out in September to both major parties in the county, asking them to be distributed to the individual campaigns. As always, the answers are not edited and run as submitted. They will be run in the order they are submitted and all that are sent in will be run in a timely fashion.
The first respondent is David Cunningham, the Democratic State Representative candidate in the 13th District.
- Was there widespread election fraud in Pennsylvania in 2020? Did Joe Biden fairly win the commonwealth? If you think there was fraud, explain in detail, specifically where there was fraud in your opinion. Also, should counties, such as Chester, be allowed to pre-canvass and do early counts on mail-in ballots? Explain why or why not.
There was absolutely no widespread fraud in Pennsylvania in 2020. Joe Biden definitively won the commonwealth. Counties such as Chester should be allowed to pre-canvass and do early counts on mail-in ballots, which would assist in accurate counting and reporting efficacy.
2. In light of the Dobbs ruling this year by the U.S. Supreme Court, abortion rights are now left to the individual states. Do you support adding restrictions to the current Pennsylvania law?
I do NOT at all support adding restrictions to current Pennsylvania law.
3. Gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano has proposed slashing funding to public schools by as much as 50%. Do you support this concept and if so, how would local school districts pay to educate kids? If you don’t support this, do you feel public schools are underfunded, and if so, where would you find revenue to boost state contributions?
No I do not support slashing funding to public schools. I do think public schools are underfunded, and I would find revenue from federal money that has not been distributed.
4. Once again, a House bill would propose ending gifts and perks for legislators. Where do you stand on this bill? Is it appropriate for legislators to take gifts— trips and so on —from those lobbying them on various issues?
Legislators in no way should receive gifts in any form.
5. Bringing back a questions from 2020 (as the situation is largely unchanged) Pennsylvania is still 47th by some measures in funding higher education — many other state schools charge less for out of state students than Pa. schools charge for in state students. Is the state underfunding our higher education institutions?
Yes, the state is underfunding higher education institutions.
6. Gov. Tom Wolf and Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (who is currently the Democratic U.S. Senate nominee) have come out strongly for legalization of marijuana for adults (and expunging records for those with possession convictions). Where do you stand on this issue?
I am strongly for legalization of marijuana for adults to eliminate senseless convictions and ruination of peoples’ lives – especially since it is overwhelmingly biased against minorities.
7. We’ve seen claims by some candidates that police are underfunded, resulting in rising crime. Should local municipalities be expected to pay more of the costs of State Police if they do not have local police? Additionally, does the state need to find a new funding mechanism for law enforcement funding, either locally or statewide?
Local communities may not be able to pay more for State Police…we need a new funding mechanism at the state level.
8. With the growth of gun violence in the commonwealth in recent years, do you support changes to gun safety laws in Pennsylvania?
Yes, especially requiring permits to purchase.
9. Fracking and the Mariner East II pipeline are increasingly becoming controversial in Chester County, especially after a number of events — including discharge into Marsh Creek State Park. Has the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) properly supervised the pipeline construction? Also, where do you stand on fracking? Should it behalted in the state?
I oppose fracking and would definitely call for increased state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) supervision of the pipeline construction
10. Are Pennsylvania’s protections for the LGBTQ+ community adequate? Do you support existing gay marriage rights?
No: Pennsylvania’s protections for the LGBTQ+ community are not adequate? I support existing gay marriage rights.
11. Is there an issue in Pennsylvania you feel does not get enough attention that you plan to highlight if elected?
Climate change
12. Getting personal, can you tell us something about yourself that might might surprise people (ie, unusual hobby or pet, brush with fame, etc.)?
I had a partner that died of AIDS in 1988 – which embedded in my soul a compassion for all people, whatever they are dealing with in life.