Annual fitness challenge produces 18 winner

Eighteen members of the Chester County Sheriff’s Office received recognition for their success in the annual fitness challenge.
If 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, five pull-ups, a double stair climb, a dummy drag and a 2.5 mile run aren’t the way you start your day, you probably don’t work for the Chester County Sheriff.
Of course, not all days in that venue start at 5 a.m. with a punishing regimen, but once a year, Chester County Sheriff Carolyn “Bunny” Welsh runs the department’s annual fitness challenge, and she recently recognized 18 members of her department _ two sergeants, three corporals and 13 deputies – for their outstanding performance.
“I am very proud of these deputies, who are truly dedicated to fitness and completing this challenge,” said Welsh. “The testing is conducted at 5:00 a.m., before the beginning of the work day, and it is a great commitment to excellence on the part of the department to have so many deputies successfully complete the challenge.”
Welsh said the deputies who earned the fitness awards were Sgt. Jason Suydam, Sgt. John McCray, Cpl. Adam Sibley, Cpl. Noah Hughes, Cpl. Bill Carter, and Deputies Ryan Corcoran, Matt Moyer, Enrique Garcia, Ryan White, David Barbone, Anthony DeTore, Doug Ahles, Robert Wilson, Jim Aubry, Noah Robinson, Kevin Thompson, Joseph Woulfe and John Heisler.