Letter: Iacocca offers best mix of experience, training for District Justice

To The Editor,

Of the two candidates for magisterial district judge in November, sitting in Kennett Square, Al Iacocca is the better qualified by reason of training and previous service.

The Magisterial District Courts deal with the myriad small stuff:  traffic violations, minor crime, tenant-landlord disputes, and small claims.  The successful judge will have the confidence of all who come before him, both claimants and respondents.  The candidate should demonstrate competence and successful leadership skills in the community. 

Al Iacocca founded a youth triathlon team and a youth triathlon race to raise money for programs of the YMCA, of which he served on the Board of Directors.  He was also asked to serve on the Kennett Run Charities, Inc. Board of Directors as a representative of the Longwood Rotary Club.  He then took on the task of being a director for the race, one of the largest events in Chester County at the time, also charged with working with other community leaders to gather the Kennett Square community in Anson Nixon Park to enjoy the event and to raise money to donate to the community.  He has also sponsored a basketball team and has served as a scoutmaster.

Al Iacocca was pro-bono counsel to the current Parent Teachers’ Organization Board and one of its presidents.  He is a trained mediator for arbitrations in the Court of Common Pleas.  Al graduated Magna cum Laude from law school before practicing for ten years in civil and criminal law and is a member of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Bar, as well as the Federal District Court of Eastern Pennsylvania Bar, representing clients at local, county, and appellate courts in Pennsylvania, as well as in federal district court. .

The other candidate specializes in family law.  Her experience, although long, seems therefore rather narrow and unrelated to the Magisterial District Court:  her cases would not have appeared there.

Again, Al Iacocca is best qualified to become Judge of the Ministerial District Court 15-3-04.


Paul L Kronick


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