: Commissioner Kathi Cozzone; Larry Welsh, Executive Director of the Chester County Food Bank; Norm Horn, Director of Development at the Chester County Food Bank; Commissioner Michelle Kichline and Commissioner Terence Farrell.
WESTTOWN — The Chester County Commissioners presented a check for $25,000 to representatives from the Chester County Food Bank this week. The funds are part of the County’s annual appropriations to organizations and non-profits.
The check was presented at Pete’s Produce Farm in Westtown Township, to Larry Welsh, Executive Director, and Norm Horn, Director of Development for the Chester County Food Bank. The Food Bank grows on approximately four acres of Pete’s Produce farmland that owner Pete Flynn, who is also a Food Bank Board member, allocates to the Chester County Food Bank Agricultural Program. With the help of over a thousand volunteers each season, more than 200,000 pounds of produce is anticipated to be harvested from farm partners Pete’s Produce and also Springton Manor Farm.
Chester County government actively supports the work of the Chester County Food Bank, and in particular the farm and garden programs, growing vegetables and fruit at the County’s Springton Manor Farm as well as at the Chester County Youth Center and Chester County Prison.
Nearly $300,000 of state and federal funding channels through Chester County government for the Chester County Food Bank annually, and in addition to the Commissioners’ annual appropriation, county employees donate food and toiletry items to the Food Bank as part of the county’s monthly dress down day program.
The Chester County Food Bank serves approximately 50,000 people a year through its network of more than 120 partner agencies such as food cupboards, meal sites and social service agencies. Last year, 2.5 million pounds of food was distributed, including over 800,000 pounds of fresh produce.