Pocopson native graduates high school, fire academy

Samantha Pancoast celebrates her graduation from Unionville High School and Fire School recently. She is shown with Andrew Yacka, her brother in law, a fellow firefighter for Longwood Fire Company, who sparked her interest in joining the volunteer company.
EAST MARLBOROUGH — Samantha Pancoast of Pocopson Township has celebrated graduating from both Unionville High School and fire school.
Pancoast is a member of Longwood Fire Company.
She became involved with the fire company last year through her brother-in-law Andrew Yacka. Yacka was awarded the prestigious Jim McGovern Service Award this year for service to Longwood Fire Company.
“Last summer Andrew mentioned how much of a workout training is and since I play three sports I wanted to see if I could live up to the challenge,” Pancoast said. “The following Tuesday he brought me to one of Longwood’s training nights and they ended up using me as a victim in their vehicle rescue. That’s when I fell in love and joined immediately! Now as a volunteer I absolutely love it! I try making it to as many calls as my schedule allows. It’s volunteer work that even when you think you know everything, you really don’t. That’s what I love about it, there is always something new to learn!”
Pancoast finds helping the community is a wonderful way to get to know the area and the residents. “I don’t expect any rewards for what I do and I certainly don’t expect any recognition: she said. “I just love helping others with my friends and learning all that the same time.”
Longwood Fire Company has served the communities of Kennett, East Marlborough, Pennsbury and Pocopson townships since 1921. Longwood Fire Company provides fire and rescue and emergency medical services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. For more information see www.longwoodfireco.com.