Beating the Winter blues

On those dark, cold days a few ideas to brighten things

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

KellyColumn415Newest815Surviving the winter season with a positive attitude can be difficult. When the days are grey and cold, it’s hard to gather the strength to get out of a warm bed in the morning. Battling the winter blues requires a bit of effort. Let’s hold that groundhog to his promise of an early Spring, but in the meantime, here are my thoughts for conquering the next few weeks:

  • Exercise ­ I know! Nothing like starting off the list with something hard core…but, the endorphin rush of elevating your heart rate is a guaranteed mood lifter. Don’t blame the messenger, this is a scientific fact. Not only is it a good idea for the obvious health benefits, but meeting up with friends at the gym can distract from the monotony of the daily routine. My girlfriend and I work out for about an hour and then go to Country Butcher to split a greek omelette and whine about the weather. It makes me feel 100% better.
  • Beating the Winter BluesBuy something cute ­ Ummm, they don’t call it retail “therapy” for nothin. I’m not suggesting that you splurge on a Louis Vuitton, or anything; however, a new lip gloss or nail polish or t­shirt can brighten the gloomiest of days. My husband hates this particular suggestion because when I say that I “just have to run into Target for a few household supplies” it usually results in a little pick­me­up item thrown in for good measure. Whoopsie.
  • Light a candle ­ The fact that the days are slowly (but surely) getting longer means that I am waiting until 6pm to put on my pajamas (instead of 4:30pm). So glam over here. I can’t help it! When it’s dark, I like to be cozy…that includes lighting multiple candles like we are Amish. The progression of the season is evident in the scent that I prefer. Right now, I have transitioned from a heavier, winter spice to a light, fruity fragrance because it NEEDS TO BE SPRINGTIME, ASAP.
  • Plan a vacation ­ Googling tropical destinations when the windchill hovers in the single digits is one of my favorite pastimes. Even if the dream vacation never materializes, the simple act of planning an escape is therapeutic. Pinterest is a great website for fantasizing and gathering inspiration.

What do YOU do to fight the winter blues? Please, leave your suggestions in the comment section below.

Happy Weekend!

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