Chester County will partner with the Chester County Economic Development Council on a survey of the county’s businesses. The county commissioners, CCEDC leaders and other business leaders gathered Tuesday to announce the survey. First row (l-r) Malcolm Johnstone, Executive Director, West Chester Business Improvement District, Michelle Kichline, Chester County Commissioner, MaryFrances McGarrity, Director of Business Development, CCEDC, Laurie Kerkering, President, Exton Regional Chamber of Commerce, Kathi Cozzone, Chester County Commissioner (second row, l to r) David Sciocchetti, VISTA 2025 Coordinator, CCEDC, Terence Farrell, Chester County Commissioner, Michael Grigalonis, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, CCEDC.
WEST CHESTER — The Chester County Board of Commissioners and the Chester County Economic Development Council (CCEDC), announced at today’s Commissioners’ Meeting, the launch of a comprehensive business survey entitled “Take the Pulse.”
The survey, developed in partnership with the county’s 10 chambers of commerce, is a key component of VISTA 2025, Chester County’s 10-year economic development strategy designed to maintain the economic health of the county by striking a balance between progress and preservation.
“This survey offers Chester County business owners the chance to candidly share the opportunities they’ve faced while doing business here, as well as the challenges,” said Chester County Commissioners’ Chair Terence Farrell.
“The success of this survey truly depends on getting as many responses as we can from area businesses,” said CCEDC President & CEO Gary W. Smith. “We are determined to reach every corner of Chester County, so we can plan for the future.”
The online survey is designed to assess the business climate in Chester County, and the data gathered will help influence the course of the county’s economic well-being over the next decade. It is being administered by CCEDC, which designed 20 questions to be easily completed in five minutes.
“We’re seeking feedback from all businesses, and the data gathered will provide valuable insight for Chester County’s future economy,”Commissioner Kathi Cozzone said. “We’re pleased to be partnering with CCEDC and the chambers of commerce and encourage participation from all their members.”
Commissioner Michelle Kichline, who also co-chairs the VISTA 2025 initiative, noted, “In addition to the opportunities and challenges, the survey questions will help to determine why companies are located in Chester County, what county characteristics best serve businesses and what transportation issues affect businesses.”
All businesses in Chester County are invited to take the survey by February 19, 2016. It’s available online at www.ccedcpa.com and www.vista2025.com.
Area businesses are also receiving e-mails from CCEDC, as well as the county’s ten chambers of commerce, requesting they complete the online survey.
Information gathered from the Take the Pulse survey will be synthesized and preliminary results will be available this spring. A more formal report will be released later in 2016.