UCFSD statement on Rowe incident

We take pride in the open and honest manner in which we communicate with you – our community. We are always transparent and forthright in addressing all manner of topics. Today we will discuss a situation that has recently been shared on social media. It is important that you know the truth.  

It is the District’s policy and practice to respect the privacy of our employees. However, it is also our obligation to defend our school district against false accusations, especially when they rise to the point of concern for our community. Currently there are widely publicized articles and commentary in magazines and online casting aspersions on us.  We are troubled by these false allegations and will defend ourselves publicly and legally. It is our right and duty to protect the integrity of our school system and its employees and students.

In December our UHS administration responded to student concerns that Ms. Winden Rowe, a high school Spanish teacher, had shared inappropriate topics with her class. Stories about how she spends her time out of school, including details about her dating and partying life, were the basis for meeting with her. We were concerned about the nature of these classroom discussions and the amount of time they were taking away from instruction. Ms. Rowe was informed that a letter about this would be placed in her file and she was asked to apologize to students and change her instructional patterns. Based on the positive performance evaluations she’d received in the past, we believed this was a lapse in sound judgment and could be easily corrected.

We want to be clear that Ms. Rowe chose twice to resign.  Administration was shocked that she was opting to leave her job. UHS administration was not seeking nor did they ask for her resignation either time – the choice was Ms. Rowe’s. The administration’s goal was to have Ms. Rowe’s Spanish instruction focus to teaching and learning Spanish. Instead, Ms. Rowe decided to resign and asked us to stop our review of her classroom conduct.

Ms. Rowe then went to social media, blasting the district for allegedly asking her to leave because she told students that her best friend was gay. Nothing could be further from the truth. Again, our concerns did not include the sexuality of a friend, but rather the inappropriateness of discussing an adult recreational lifestyle with students during class time.

UCFSD works hard to create a climate of inclusiveness.  In addition to curricula and our teachers, there are multiple programs covering bullying, personal responsibility, and respect for all offered from elementary school to graduation. Counselors, social workers and clubs/activities also provide opportunities and support for all students. We are a caring community that respects all individuals and fully embraces the varied beliefs and lifestyles of all.

By going public with her ‘story’ and by providing contact information for Mr. Conley, Mrs. Jenkins, and Mr. Reif – Ms. Rowe is engaging in irresponsible and damaging behavior – and we are compelled to respond.

I apologize for having to send this letter, but I hope you will respect our need to respond. We thank you for your support of our students and schools. If you have any questions please contact us directly.

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