
Two years and one month ago to the day, my husband and I were in Paris celebrating our 20th
wedding anniversary. It was a dream of mine to see the Eiffel Tower and stroll along the
Champs Elysee.
The city was so beautiful and, contrary to the rumors suggesting otherwise, the
French people were very friendly. We marveled at the architecture, ate warm croissants, and
fantasized about living there.


When I heard the catastrophic news about the terrorist attacks on Friday night, I was sick to my stomach. Imagining the level of panic and horror the people must have felt, and continue to feel today, is devastating. How could six locations be targeted withoutany warning? It seems impossible. We can’t help feeling powerless and defeated in the wake of such a tragedy. The fact that ISIS has figured out a way to plan, communicate, and carry out an assault of that magnitude undetected is terrifying. It makes you want to keep your children by your side and never leave the house.



With the holidays rapidly approaching, public venues are certain to be filled to capacity providing
ample opportunity for a repeated event. But, if we live our lives in fear, the terrorists accomplish
what they have set out to achieve. There is no way to protect against men who are willing to
strap explosives to themselves and walk into a crowded area. It is our duty to live by the slogan
“If you see something, say something.”


Discussing the Paris massacre with our children was difficult. However, I believe that knowledge
is power and talking about scary topics in the safety and protection of your home is the best way
to handle such a situation. We are all feeling vulnerable and afraid. It has been amazing to see the outpouring of love and support from people all over the globe. In order to triumph over such evil, we must collaborate with our allies.


Have you ever been to Paris? If so, what are your favorite memories? Please share in the Comment section below. #prayforparis #prayforpeace

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