Dad bods? What about Mom bods?

If guys can let themselves go a bit, why not women?

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times

KellyColumn415RevisedHave you heard about “Dad bod”? Thanks to Clemson student Mackenzie Pearson’s blog post (read here: the concept is trending. Here’s her theory in a nutshell: Women are attracted to men that have a “nice balance between a beer gut and working out.

The dad bod says, “I go to the gym occasionally, but I also drink heavily on the weekends and enjoy eating eight slices of pizza at a time.”

It’s not an overweight guy, but it isn’t one with washboard abs, either.

Mackenzie argues that dating a less than perfect man is the key to a successful relationship. No girl wants to date a dude prettier than she is. I get it.

HOWEVER, there is something supremely irritating about the fact that the reciprocal “Mom Bod” would NEVER garner the same respect. Oh, as women, we tell each other ALL THE TIME how our stretch marks are the “battle scars” of having children. Of course we should celebrate and cherish the loose skin and sagging breasts that exemplify our motherhood…what’s not to love?

It’s bad enough that men, as they age, can get grey and wrinkled and it is described as “distinguished” but now they can get fat and it is OK?

Ladies, I’m calling for an uprising. Can you image the time, money and energy that could be saved if we let ourselves go? No more SPANX, hours in a beauty salon, Botox injections, endless miles on the treadmill, waxing, plucking, buffing and selftanning…

it’s mindblowing. I’m pretty sure I could cure cancer and secure world peace in a little under a week. Nevermind that the beauty, movie, television and print media industries would fold like a house of cards. Millions of dollars are generated every day convincing maturing women that they aren’t attractive enough. The financial fallout of embracing “natural beauty” would be catastrophic.

I’m fairly confident that if I polled 100 college aged males and showed them pictures of “Mom Bods,” they would be horrified. After all, it’s nothing like the images they have been promised via social media. Unfortunately, real life doesn’t come with an Instagram filter, fellas.

I’m not holding my breath that things will change anytime soon…so, until this idea takes root, I’ll be out running three miles after applying mascara and lipgloss….

Happy Weekend .

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