Kennett swears in new police officers

Planning Commission outlines plans; questions raised on ambulance service

By Jacqueline Kennedy, Correspondent, The Times


Two new part time police officers were sworn in by Kennett Township Wednesday night. Richard Bell and Jonathan Ortiz (second and third from right) are joined by District Justice Daniel Maisano (right) and supervisors (from left) Robert Hammaker, Richard Leff and Scudder Stevens.

KENNETT – The township welcomed two, part-time police officers to the community Wednesday, Cpl. Richard Bell and Jonathan Ortiz. The officers were officially sworn in by District Justice Daniel Maisano; both officers were accompanied by their families at the ceremony, during the Board of Supervisors meeting.

Next, Jim Przywitowski, representing the Planning Commission, provided a quarterly update, during which, the committee reviewed its goals and objectives for this year. A paper copy of the plan was only distributed to supervisors at the meeting, but Przywitowski covered the salient points of the plan during the meeting. The planning commission mentioned the report’s potential adoption if a comprehensive plan with both short and long term goals to be developed by the township. Included in the plan are action items and a summary of recommendations encompassing all agencies within Kennett Township, such as, but not limited to, the board of supervisors, zoning officers, safety committee, and EAC (Environmental Advisory Council). 

The plan describes steps that will be recommended in a particular circumstance, for which an agency will be responsible for the issue at hand, and how it will be managed.  The Planning Commission will use this plan for the upcoming year’s activities. Specific details of the plan will be released at a future date. The commission will review procedures and prioritize the items which will allow them to respond more quickly to a wide range of requests.

The township’s Safety Committee is remains committed to keeping its residents safe and secure, members said during a report. The committee was made aware that more fire hydrants are needed in some certain areas after seeking Longwood Fire Company’s expertise  for the potential locations. As a result of the consultation, the committee is exploring solutions including 10,000 gallon reservoir tanks underground where needed. They are in the process of estimating the cost of installation.

KAPRB is seeking a resolution grant to finish playgrounds and replace or add new bleachers. They are seeking supervisors’ support for the grant will make the application and acceptance of the grant more favorable. There will be no cost to the township. The vote was unanimous all in agreement.

Public Comment:

David Lewis, a volunteer at the EAC was discussing invasive plants, noxious weeds and the EAB (Emerald Ash Borer). The EAB is a is a bug that feeds off of ash trees. To date, there are no confirmed cases of the EAB in this area. Lewis is requesting a meeting to educate the public how to identify and understand the damage they noxious weeds can cause. These weeds are of concern because they grow quickly and are very difficult to control. Lewis believes the public needs to also be educated on how to properly dispose of and destroy these weeds before they harm other plants and vegetation.

Lastly, Bill Lachlan, a township resident, requested a solution to an ongoing issue with local ambulance services. There are currently two ambulance services for the Kennett area, Longwood Fire Company and Kennett.  Kennett has basic life support services whereas, Longwood provides advanced life support.

Currently, if a resident dials 911, both ambulance companies respond because the EMT is uncertain of the seriousness if the matter. Lachlan said he is concerned with potentially receiving two invoices, one from each company as a result of both responding to the call.

There has been a series of meetings regarding the double billing, supervisors chair Scudder Stevens. Solutions are currently being discussed with neighboring Kennett Borough, Pennsbury, Pocopson, and East Marlborough townships and area fire chiefs.  It is expected that this issue may take time before a feasible solution is achieved.

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