Veteran officer formally takes reins at township department
By Karen Cresta, Correspondent, The Times

East Marlrborough officials dedicated a new police trailer Saturday and swore in new Chief of Police Robert Clarke.
EAST MARLBOROUGH – In true spirit of entering the police facilities, lots of donuts and coffee welcomed guests as they arrived to witness Robert Clarke, the second chief in East Marlborough Township history to be sworn-in Saturday morning.
“Donuts are calling my name,” joked Clarke — known around the township and surrounding area by his affectionate nickname “Clarkie,” as he laughed and welcomed his guests.
Clarke, who served in law enforcement for 32 years and the township since 2003, is replacing Gerald Davis, who retired as chief at the end of February.
Many spectators including Clarke’s family and friends, township supervisors and employees, and Republican Party-endorsed candidates, Christine Kimmel for township Supervisor, and Allison Bell Royer for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, attended the ceremony at the new police facilities located behind the township building.
Walker mentioned that Clarke was instrumental in advocating and getting the new facilities. Inside, Clarke already had an office with his name on the door since he was officially given the position at the board of supervisor’s meeting earlier this month.
The new facilities donned a built-in bench and three cast iron rings attached to the back for the purpose of securing handcuffed suspects. When asked if they have been broken in yet, Clarke got another laugh by saying, “No, I think they are more for aesthetics.”
Chairman Cuyler Walker began the ceremony by welcoming everyone. “It’s a great day for East Marlborough Township today as one of our own becomes police chief.”
Clarke was sworn-in by Walker who promised to defend the Constitution of the United States and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and enforce the laws of the commonwealth. He received a round of applause at the end of his acknowledgement of the oath.
“I want to thank the supervisors for having faith in me to do my job,” Clarke said.
Clarke also thanked his family and friends and said that he was looking forward to working with everyone in his new position.