What To Do: Made in The Americas

Winterthur looks at Asian influence on American design By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library looks at the impact of Asian sensibility on American designs in its “Made in the Americas: The New World Discovers Asia” display. Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library (Route 52 just south of the Pennsylvania state line, Wilmington, Delaware, 800-448-3883, http://www.winterthur.org)...

Coffee With a Cop comes to Coatesville

Chief, officers share java & conversation with local residents By Lauren Parker- Gill, News Editor, The Times Coatesville resident Casey Hart (right) visited Fuel City Cafe with her daughter, Fiona (4) for Coffee with the Chief to speak with Chief Laufer regarding some minor issues in her neighborhood. COATESVILLE – The City’s Police Department kicked off the first “Coffee with the Chief”...

On Stage: Festival of the Arts in Philly

Three legendary country performers share Wilmington stage By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times Amir El Saffar and his ensemble performs ‘Rivers of Sound’ as part of the Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts. The Kimmel Center is presenting a huge cultural event called the Philadelphia International Festival of the Arts (PIFA) from April 8-23 at a variety of venues in downtown...

Art Watch: Rhoda Kahler

For an artist ‘laying low’ she has a lot going on By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times Clay artist Rhoda Kahler has two major art openings in April, as well as a museum show, all at a time when she was determined to “lay low and just do art.” Her solo show at Church Street Gallery in West Chester, “Tactiles” opens April 8th, 5-9pm, and goes through April 30. This...

East Marlborough previews US-1 widening project

Supervisors deny demolition of historic home By Karen Cresta, Staff Writer, The Times A packed house was on hand Monday night at the East Marlborough Supervisors meeting to review widening plans for US-1. EAST MARLBOROUGH – Monday night’s board of supervisors’ meeting was filled to capacity at the East Marlborough Township Building as residents packed every available seat for information regarding...

Creating a winning online profile

While pictures matter, your words do, too By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times We all hear about the importance of having stunning, professional quality pictures for our online dating profile, but what about our written profile? As Benjamin Franklin one said, “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” In other words, don’t bother writing just any profile, but instead,...

PA GOP builds brilliant GOTV plan — for Democrats

Attacking ‘Pre-Wal-Mart’ majors and abortion rights could lead Nov. disaster By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times There’s dumb and then there’s pour gasoline on yourself and dive into the barbecue dumb. And it seems like Republicans in your beloved state legislature have stocked up on the Kingsford and are wearing loads of Eau de Sunoco in a brilliant attempt to pander to a small minority...

With Li out, Parrish looks to fall race in 6th

Mike Parrish The primary race for the Democratic nomination for the 6th Congressional District ended more than three weeks early, when Lindy Li was forced to drop out of her race against Mike Parrish over questions with her nominating petitions, late Friday night. Parrish is now slated to take on freshman incumbent Republican Ryan Costello in November.    Send article as PDF...

School officials: water safe at Chadds Ford Elementary

Officials from the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District moved quickly to challenge and correct what they called an erroneous report in a local media outlet about lead levels in the water at Chadds Ford Elementary School. Superintendent of Schools John Sanville reached out to the school community to make sure there was no confusion despite the media report and an apparent error in a report by the...

Super Six: Time to spruce up your home

Six items to freshen the look of your home for Spring By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Happy April everyone! I wanted to dedicate this Super Six to sprucing up the house for SPRING. And, by sprucing I mean buying new things…not cleaning (because there’s nothing attractive about scrubbing screens or wiping down baseboards. Yawn.) Just like the change in season demands a wardrobe overhaul,...